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"Young and Beautiful" by Lana Del Rey

Dedicated to  Princess_Lynx for the adorable banner below!! <3

Weeks of blissful happiness with Loki turned into months for Sigyn, and it felt as though their friendship was destined to ascend to this new, more romantic level. However, the young lovers couldn't publicly acknowledge their romantic connection. Society frowned upon maidens kissing young men unless they were betrothed or already married—a standard Sigyn found restrictive and outdated. To her, such behavior didn't make her a harlot or hussy; her feelings for the prince were pure and genuine. Only Loki had the power to make her heart race and slow simultaneously.
Loki wasn't just a boy she adored; he was her dearest friend, someone with whom she could share anything. As the months passed, Sigyn found herself wishing that her time with Loki would stretch on indefinitely.

One night after a very long day of collecting swaddling blankets and an overabundance of supplies, Sigyn was allowed the night off so prince Thor and princess Sif could revel in the joy of their brand-new infant son arriving. Sigyn was about to head on to the very last room on the floor of the new parents' wing when a strange feeling made her pause. She was being followed. Sigyn resisted smiling as she halted her movement. A small snake was slithering across the floor. The creature was jet black and at least two-feet long and glittering in pretty scales. Snakes did not scare Sigyn. She worked many jobs in her sixteen years, and some of those jobs exclusively revolved around working in fields and unpleasant areas. Snakes were decent creatures when not venomous in Sigyn's humble opinion.

They kept the rats and other nasty rodents away from crops. Sigyn still, kept from smiling as she watched the creature scurry across the floor in a very quick motion. She knew what it was doing; it wanted her to follow it. Keeping herself void of emotion, Sigyn quickly out moved the snake in order to pluck it up off of the floor with her bare hands. The creature started entwining itself in her hand as Sigyn brought it into her bedroom quietly. Once inside, she lit her lanterns and allowed her curtains to open so the large moon shined brightly inside her small yet lovely bedroom. "This is a rather terrible trick on your part," Sigyn murmured towards the serpent. The small thing stuck its forked tongue out at her softly. Its eyes glowed a soft green. "I know all your tricks, Loki."

"Tis true," a low voice agreed from behind her. Loki dipped down to rest his chin upon Sigyn's shoulder as he spared her a grin. "Which is why I decided a new trick was meant to come into play." Sigyn was too happy to see him to care he once again tricked her with magic. She giggled softly before remembering the snake was still in her hands. As soon as she looked back upon it, a single pink and green lily was now resting in her hands instead. "What happened to it?"
"Transfiguration. There was never a snake my darling, it was only magic."
How was it possible he never ceased to amaze her with his magic? "You are becoming quite talented," Sigyn chuckled, shaking her head. "I thought you were the serpent!"
"Which is why I had to choose a cleverer way to surprise thee."
"You meant to say trick."
Sigyn giggled as Loki enveloped her in a close hug. "Gods, I have missed you so," he murmured, and she reciprocated, wrapping her arms around his neck to embrace him properly.
"It's only been a day," Sigyn said, relaxing as he pressed his chilled forehead against her warm one.

"Really? It feels much longer than that."
"I cannot disagree," Sigyn smiled as he planted a swift kiss on her lips. It was then that the young lovers realized they were alone inside a maiden's bedroom with the door closed. This alone was scandalous, and considering Loki's royal status while Sigyn was not, it added another layer of impropriety.

"I know it's wrong to be in your chambers while holding you, but I simply do not wish to leave you just yet," Loki admitted quietly, feigning guilt on his pale face.
Sigyn smiled, pressing her warm lips against his cold ones once more. "I don't wish for you to leave either," she admitted quietly.
"I am dishonoring you and your house by trespassing in your chambers," he confessed sheepishly.

"I am dishonoring your royal respect by fraternizing with you altogether," Sigyn mumbled, shaking her head sadly as she pulled away from their embrace. "I suppose we are even."
Loki chuckled darkly. "I bloody well do not care for my social status, Sigyn. My guilt has nothing to do with courting you, it only stems from disrespecting your father by being inside his only daughter's chambers without asking for your hand."
Young Sigyn's eyes widened as she allowed his words to sink in. "You are courting me...?"
Loki gave a swift nod. "I feel this was yet another moment that should have been fairly obvious..."

Sigynfelt her mouth fall open in a rather unflattering way. She worked to pull hersurprise together. "You are a prince, I am just..."
"The woman I love," Loki finished quietly, looking quite breathless."I know our time together has not been long, but when I look at you, I seenot only my very closest friend, but the woman I want to spend foreverwith."

"Truly?" Sigyn whispered, certain her eyes were misting upon thisreveal.
Loki came forward, gently pulling her into his arms before leaning down topress a sweet kiss against her lips. "One day, we will be married,"he murmured against her mouth as his chilled arms wrapped around her slimwaist. "And able to be with one another without secrecy, and then we shalloverjoy in the arrival in our own joy of having a baby that is far prettierthan Thor and Sif's little grub."

"Loki! That is your nephew you are referring to," Sigyn chastised ina whisper, unable to resist smiling as he grinned impishly down at her.
"Darling, that just shows that I am unbiased when I say the little buggeris ugly."
"And to think miss Sif was saying in passing that your brother has youunder strong consideration for the boy's godfather..."
"Well it is not as though I will be telling the boy as he grows he was arather ugly baby," Loki chuckled. Sigyn's fake reproachful stare had himlaughing once more. "Come now...Any babies of ours will surely be beyondbeautiful inside and out; they will have you as a mother," he said,smiling softly.

"You really wish to marry me?" Sigyn mumbled, not being able tocomprehend how a young man who was bound to become an immortal god cared forher in such a way.
"Why do you look so surprised?"
"I am no one," Sigyn confessed, simply rolling her shoulders in ashrug. "I do not possess a single thing that provides a princevalue..."
"Do you love me?"

This marked the very first time the word "love" had been utteredbetween them in their months together. They had kissed, embraced, murmuredsweet nothings that meant everything, but the actual word had remained unspoken. Love—a simplefour-letter word that suddenly made everything feel more tangible to Sigyn. Toher, love was unbreakable, forever.
"I love you with all my heart," Sigyn declared, watching as thisadmission brought jubilance to Loki's expression. He stepped forward, quiteliterally sweeping her off her feet for a strong embrace. Their kiss was deep,his arms wrapping around her even tighter.
"I love you in the same way," he admitted, smiling broadly. For avery narrow second, Sigyn could swear she saw Loki's eyes flash a strange burntorange color. It happened so very quick, she nearly felt this was something youimagined just as she had done a few other moments when his skin changed astrange lapis blue. Perhaps this was the effects of practicing with too muchmagic. After a very long while of soft kissing transpiring between the younglovers, the clock struck to indicate morning would arrive in less than fourhours.

"I always dislike when you leave," Sigyn pouted, causing Loki tosmile a crooked grin.
"Because you love me?" he asked, smiling warmly.
"Because I love you," Sigyn agreed, enjoying as Loki kissed her oncemore.
As the prince proceeded to leave the bedroom of Sigyn after bidding her afarewell until the next night, little did the lovers know they were not alonein the dark corridor. There was another individual who witnessed this action.Balder, one of the many sons of King Odin, witnessed this wrong act of intimacyby his brother. Being in training to become the god of light and truth, Balderknew he could not keep what he witnessed between his brother and the commoner asecret. King Odin and Queen Frigga had to be made aware of this development tostop this forbidden romance.


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