First Conversation

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"All I want" by Kodine
Four long years had passed since the day in the stables where Sigyn had first grown hopeful about becoming friends with Loki. Unfortunately, that hope never came to fruition. Although the ten-year-old child never lost hope of befriending the prince, it was not in the cards of fate. Sigyn never gave up hope, as it was simply her kind nature to believe that she could make friends with anyone and everyone if she put enough effort into it. However, Loki never treated Sigyn any differently than the day he first chucked an apple at her head when they were children.

He always looked down upon her as if she were no better than dirt caked upon one's boot. He treated her worse than he treated the pigs that lived inside the stables, even though they were raised for slaughter. Eventually, Sigyn stopped offering the prince kind smiles and even stopped trying to make friends with him altogether. It was plainly obvious that if the prince did not simply hate any person who was not royalty, then he hated Sigyn specifically. She did not know why this was, nor did she care as the years passed. She had never done any wicked deed to the young man nor spoken ill against him. He just held disdain for her social status. Sigyn didn't mind. She had siblings and a few friends from work - other children of housekeeping who would one day grow into servants for the house of Odin. She didn't need Loki's friendship, even though she strangely desired it due to her childhood fascination with him.

When Sigyn turned fourteen, she continued to be kind and respectful to everyone, and even stopped playing games with Thor. He was as silly as ever upon his eighteenth year of life, but she stopped her jesting just in case he deemed her too old for games and worthy of a beheading instead. One could never tell what appropriate behavior was expected from a lady. According to rumors around Asgard's common folk, a young maiden in a neighboring kingdom was whipped for merely blinking too quickly for her king's liking.

Sigyn brushed away the thought and focused on her task at hand. Today, she was helping her mother prepare a spare bedroom in the castle for Lady Sif, who was visiting from a distant kingdom. This magical place was known for its abundance of unicorns and other creatures that Sigyn had only read about in her schoolbooks. Despite being a member of the stable cleaning crew, her parents had insisted on giving her and her siblings an education beyond their duties.

As Sigyn went about her work, she heard rumors among the commoners that Prince Thor and Lady Sif were to be married by the end of the fall harvest. It was an arranged marriage set up by King Odin during his eldest son's eighteenth birthday party. By the end of the celebration, Thor was expected to be betrothed. Sigyn made sure extra feather pillows were stocked as well as spare blankets among the golden bedroom.

The very last thing needed was for Queen Frigga to be upset that a member of a visiting royal family deemed her kingdom unequipped to handle a visit. Sigyn was pulling out all effort to become a chambermaid. Oh, how her mama and papa would be proud! There would be no more late nights or early mornings of her plucking up horse manure and skinning chickens as she had done for the last four long years. Sigyn would be receiving a very neat salary to cover living expenses all on her own! She could even manage to afford a family meal for the festival of the Summer Solstice! Sigyn relished the idea of affording a full chicken for a meal. She could probably even manage a purchase of a squirrel to trade with farmer Garth for potatoes. Let her brother Sulgroy see she can accomplish just as much as any young man working as a carpenter in training!

The teenage girl was trying hard not to smile as she made sure only the best linens and toiletries were stocked in the visiting princess's room. She could already imagine her papa's pride over how much effort she was putting into making sure Lady Sif's room was glorious. Sigyn would leave no stone unturned and no shelf unoccupied. The girl even made sure to send a carrier dragon to the house of Rumak to search for information on what interested princess Sif in general. She received a long list of books along with stone and marble games that the young woman fancied.

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