Secrets Out

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"Eyes on Fire" by Blue Foundation


"Perhaps it's best if you run far from home, where no one will ever find you," Sulgroy whispered to Sigyn, his eyes wide with fright.
Sigyn had just returned from assisting Princess Sif with her newborn son. Confused, she couldn't comprehend why her brother had rushed out to greet her as she rode up the pathway to the cottage. Having been away for two fortnights, his behavior was perplexing. "Brother, what is it you are speaking of...?"
"SIGYN!" A voice boomed with powerful authority.
Young Sigyn's eyes widened in surprise as her papa reached the threshold. He looked angrier than the girl had ever seen him. Dismounting her horse and heading towards the door, she found her mother crying inside the home, with her elder and younger brothers watching her with heavy disapproval.

Sigyn couldn't fathom the stares and glares. She was not a selfish individual by any means. Every payment and extra material provided for her in the palace, she gave to her family. She practically lived to take care of them. Why were they all watching her with such reproachful stares? Once her father looked at her, his anger evaporated for his only daughter. Narfi shook his head in disappointment, rubbing his thick beard as he walked away with his head hung in shame. Twas Sigyn's mother that stood and headed towards her. She was crying, and clearly distraught. "You have brought great shame upon this family," her mother stated sadly, still teary eyed. Sigyn's green eyes widened in surprise. "Mama, what is it you are referring to?"

"Your affair with Prince Loki," Sulgroy revealed grimly, watching his sister with a pitying gaze. He was the only individual who did not look angry with her. "The god-in-training Balder spotted him leaving your chambers at an outrageous hour."
Things took a darker turn for Sigyn as several days passed. Not only were she and Loki forbidden from communicating, but they were also barred from being in each other's presence. By some stroke of luck, likely due to Lady Sif's friendship with her, Sigyn retained her position as head handmaiden. However, she was now prohibited from being alone with Odin's son.

Sigyn had to leave before Loki was permitted to visit Thor and his newborn son. Just when she thought the situation couldn't possibly worsen, Queen Frigga approached her and made it abundantly clear that her son was destined to marry among royals exclusively.
He had no place for a commoner in his heart. Even as young Sigyn cried herself to sleep that night, she sickly knew the queen was not wrong in her declaration. It was simple law. Royals and commoners were simply not meant to be, although, she found high unfairness in this law considering other royals of Asgard held no qualms lying with commoners at night. King Odin especially.

One night by chance, Loki managed to create a rather strong sleeping potion. Queen Frigga made it so a guard must always be present in a hallway outside of Sigyn's chambers when she resided at the castle to assist with the infant child of Sif and Thor. She did not want Loki and Sigyn to correspond ever again if she could help it. Loki created the potion and tricked the guard into taking it as he bit into a slice of buttered bread. The hefty guard fell asleep almost instantaneously. Sigyn noticed the snake creeping into her bedroom under the door, and soon enough, Loki transfigured himself into human form. His face was ashen white. Sigyn noted this was the first time she had laid eyes upon him in two weeks' time. "My brother is a traitor," Loki said through clenched teeth. "Balder informed our parents of our love," he said, looking and sounding sick.

Even though this was a beyond serious moment and Loki looked in true despair, Sigyn could not help but attempt to lighten the foul mood in the air. "Tell me something I am not already aware of." She smiled softly, only to find Loki was not smiling. Not at all. He looked pained. His jet-black hair was unkempt while his eyes were positively wild with fright. His face looked whiter than a freshly harvested dragon's egg.

There was something bothering him, something far worse than Frigga angrily stating the two lovers could no longer correspond of any sort. Loki looked near tears as he slowly fell onto his knees, sobs nearly escaping him as he rocked forward and backwards while on his knees. Beyond worried, Sigyn hurried forward, nearly about to embrace him before a small push from Loki's cold hands stopped her immediately.

"Do not touch me," he whispered, his eyes still wild. "I am not whole-"
"Loki, tis all right, tis-"
"No!" He hissed vehemently. "This is not all right! We are forbidden to speak, Sigyn, you right now are risking a beheading even speaking to me, do you understand that...?" Sigyn's green eyes welled with tears. There was something wrong in this moment, and sickly enough, Sigyn felt it had nothing to do with what he just revealed. "Tis all revealed..." Loki murmured, his too-blue of eyes bolted wide in alarm. "The reason I was always second best to a brother who never held the same intelligence as I. Why it was always made clear to me I could never ascend as Odin's successor, why..." he paused, tears rolling out of his eyes as he stared blankly into open air, "why I never resembled any of my many brothers with their burgundy or blonde hair."

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