10. shrek RETURNS

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Donald's POV:

I am on a buisness trip to Canada to visit the President Kanye West and his first lady Dan Howell.
They both greet me with a bouquet of orange tulips. I eat them to prove that this trip isn't just fun and games. Partly it is, but not entirely.
I already miss Daryl's beautiful face and his strong muscular arms.

Daryl's POV:

I already miss Donald's beautiful squinty eyes and his small child-like hands. I take care of the ogre Berthold Knaust. He already begins to talk.
His first sentence was " tHIS iS MY sWAmP!" He sounds so much like his father.
I hear a loud knock on the door.
I go to it to open it but something
- no - someone bursts through the door.
Of course I recognize those beautiful hands. They are perfect for holding juicy onions. I used to hold these hands.

It's SHREK!!!##!!11!

I am sHoOk. What does he do here? I am glad that Donald isn't here, he would fight Shrek instantly.
"Get the hell out of my house!" I scream
"Berthold Knaust belongs to MY swamp! Now hand him over or I will shoot onion juice in your eyes and you know exactly how much it burns!" He threatens
Oh HELL no he could have had Berthold Knaust if he had asked nicely but NOBODY threatens me!
I pull my gun out of my sleeve and shoot him right in the knee.
He screams and falls to the ground.
I feel bad for him and hand him a towel to wipe away the blood which soaked through the expensive carpet.
I watch him tap the wound and get a bit sentimental. I shed a few tears but that's ok because I cry on the inside 24/7. That became normal.
"Everyone gather around for a show, watch as this man disappears as we know. Do me a favour and try to ignore as you watch him fall through a bleeding trapdoor" I whisper to myself.
Shrek just looks at me funny. Only now I realize that his cute little face is tear stained. I walk over to him and kneel beside him.
"You are too beautiful for tears" I whisper and wipe them away.
"I wanna hold your hand so tight I'm gonna break my wrist..." Shrek whispers back.
My heart thightens.
"...my love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me. Literally." He says more to himself but I hear him anyways.
I begin to cry loudly because I am just so done with this world.
I wish I could be someone or something else. Like a flower or something. Flowers are nice. I stop crying and begin to wonder where Berthold Knaust is.
My train of thought is interrupted by Shrek.
He leans in and kisses me.
His rough lips and my soft lips collide and it feels like a firework exploding in my stomache.
I begin to cry again.
He breaks away from the kiss and asks "Bipolar much?"
"you are love. you are life." I answer and faint.

Donald Trump x Shrek x DarylWhere stories live. Discover now