12. shreks pov

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Shrek's POV:

I stand at the far end of the room as Donald tells Daryl he loves me too.
Honestly I don't exactly remember why I kissed Donald passionately.
It feels like he hypnotized me with his beautiful eyes.
I carelessly dance around the room and wait for my will to live to return after such a long time.
But deep down I know I lost my will to live long ago and it will never ever  return.
The only thing that gets me through the day is the thought of my little bean Berthold Knaust and the beautiful layers of onions.
I'm holding onto life just because the thought of losing and never seeing my little family again is too painful to handle.
I'm holding onto life because I don't want to disappoint them like I usually do.
They'd be better off without me.

                    *3 weeks later*

Daryl's POV:

Shrek lives with us. Everything is fine so far. He takes care of Berthold and honestly I am glad.
Kids are so annoying.
I don't know how Shrek puts up with this. It's not that I hate kids completely. They're ok as long as they  don't move or speak.
Daddy Donald is really busy because he still us the president of the USA. But every night he comes to the bed we now share with Shrek. Speaking of Shrek, I hear him cry quietly every night.
I really want to comfort him but I don't want him to reject me.
Besides I don't want to be involved in the mess in his head.
Wow that sounds so selfish.

Shrek lays besides me right now. He is talking in his sleep and saying something about his swamp.
He holds his onion close to his heart because it helps him with the nightmares.

He looks so vulnerable. Maybe I should help him.
I just stare at him the whole night.

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