9. goddamn doors

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Daryl's POV:

I didn't lock the door. That comes to my mind when Donald storms through the door.
"cLOSE the GODDAMN DOOR!" I scream right into his face.
Suddenly a wild Brendon Urie appears and comes out of the closet with Ryan Ross. What a day.
"mILK" they both sing in a chorus. Then they disappear through the window. Not at all confusing.
I peel off the first layer of the onion I still hold in my hand and throw it in Donalds face.
He licks the onion juice off of his face with his abnormal long tongue.
I admire his manly man features but go into the bathroom just to find out that my bathtub is broken.
What the hell?

I see my reflection in the mirror.
I look tired. I am tired.
But that's ok because at least I don't have to see Berthold Knaust's face.
Daddy enters the bathroom and notices a few drops of milk on the floor besides the bathtub.
I tell him that I didn't break the bathtub and he believes me.
He still looks nervous tho.
"What is wrong, orange peel ?" I ask as my thumb touches his bottom lip.
I take my finger away which is now dripping with spray tan and sweat.
I put my finger to my lips and taste him. He tastes great.
"I'm sorry baby boy but our nanny quit. She said I was just too beautiful and she couldn't keep her hands off of me. I guess you have to take care of Berthold Knaust. Finding the right nanny takes time."
Oh nO.
How can I take care of a living being that reminds me so much of Shrek?
When I look into Bertholds face I can see that he has his fathers eyes, and his hands look exactly like Shreks. They are perfect for holding onions.
Every time I see our child it reminds me of Shreks and my past which involves a lot of onions.

oh no.

Donald Trump x Shrek x DarylWhere stories live. Discover now