11. the truth hurts

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Kitten Daryl's POV:

I wake up and see Donald and Shrek kissing in front of me. What is happening? They don't realise that I am awake so they continue with their make-out session.
"Why is Donald kissing Shrek?" I ask aloud
They both turn their faces to me. Great, now they're paying attention to me. I am still shell-shocked.
Shrek frowns and steps away from Donald who is currently spraying on his shrektastic fake tan.
"Oh I have not seen you there kitten" says Donald and looks at me with his magnificent squinty eyes.
He doesn't look ashamed or anything. He just looks normal.
"WHAT THE TRUCK DID YOU DO?" I scream patrified. I thought Donald loves me. Was I wrong the whole time? He said he'd raise Berthold Knaust as if he was his own flesh and blood.
I run into the bathroom and scream "JOSH DUN IS MY BEST FREN"
The smol bean tyjo crashes through the window and yells "git yur own fren!"
He sees me and smiles sincerely.
"I am sorry boo, but what happened?"
I tell him everything and cry.
We hug each other and he rubs my hands. I still cry.
I miss beebo so we yell "miLK" and a wild Brendon Urie appears in the bathtub and holds a carton with delicious milk. He smirks.
"Can't you leave Ryan alone for one second? Yeezus, give him a break!" I laugh and hug him tightly
We talk about nothing special until someone knocks on the closed door.
"nO way" I scream at the person behind the door.
"you are wRoNG! Let me ExPLAiN!" Donald shouts. I don't answer.
Beebo and tyjo look at each other and roll their eyes.
Donald Dump uses his red laser eyes to cut a hole into the door. Then he enters the room.
He speaks in a loud and clear voice "I think I love Shrek too. That doesn't mean I love you less kitten. He's the father of your son Shrek Junior and I think he should live with us. An ogre needs his father."
What was that?
Donald loves Shrek??

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