A day together 2

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This movie is much better than that scary movie Steven picked out. It's full of action and is totally thrilling to watch. You're at the end of your seat almost the whole time to see what's gonna happen next. I have much better taste in movies than Steven. As I was watching the movie I felt something snake around my shoulder. I jumped in surprise but quickly noticed that it was just Stevens arm. What is he doing? I felt like asking him but I was too stunned to speak. I just sat there being super tense and continued to watch the movie. At one point someone almost died from drowning.
Peridot: Steven is she going to die?
Steven: I don't know.
Peridot: What is he doing?
Steven: He's giving her CPR.
I think I've heard of CPR. Whatever. All of a sudden she started to breathe again. Wow. I really thought she was dead there for a second.
After a little bit my eyes started to grow heavy. My eyes started to close but I tried to keep them open so I could watch the rest of the movie. But the more time that went by the more heavy my eyes got. Eventually my head fell on Stevens shoulder involuntary and I fell asleep.
(Time skip to morning)
My eyes fluttered open as I took in my surroundings. I guess I fell asleep while watching the movie with Steven. Speaking of Steven, where is Steven? I tried to pull my self up but was only brought back down by something holding me. I turned my head to see Steven lying next to me dead asleep with his arms wrapped around my waist as if I was a teddy bear. This is awkward. How did this even happen? I fell asleep on Stevens shoulder so I should wake up like that. Not with him using me as I teddy bear. I have to get him off me before the gems see this. They should be back really soon. I tried to pull him off me but he wouldn't budge. The more I struggled to tighter his grip went on me. His face was now buried into my neck. He was so close that I could feel his hot breathe wash over my neck. My cheeks grew hot and that feeling came back in my chest. What am I going to do? I guess I just have to stay like this with him until he wakes up. I patiently waited for Steven to wake up. It felt like I was waiting there for eternity. But while I waited I just couldn't resist the urge to stare to him. I was a little scared that he would wake up and catch me staring at him. He would probably think I was a creep. While I watched him I fluffed up his hair a bit. I giggled. He looked kinda cute. As I was staring at him his eyes fluttered open and I quickly looked away from him. His eyes quickly went wide when he noticed what he was doing.
Steven: Um.....g-good morning P-Peridot. I'm sorry.
He quickly let go of me and stood up as he scratched the back of his head.
Peridot: Don't worry about it.
We just awkwardly sat their waiting for the other person to the say something. But I just couldn't take the silence.
Peridot: So when will the gems be back?
Steven: They should be back any minute now.
Peridot: Oh well do you wanna do something today?
Steven: Sure. Maybe we can go to Funland.
Peridot: You mean that place that I went to with you and Amethyst. That wasn't the best experience for me before Steven.
Steven: Oh come on! I promise it will be much better this time.
Peridot: Ugh. Fine.
Steven: Alright let me just call up Connie and we'll go.
Connie! Oh come on!!! I don't want her to come. I swear a curse must be placed at Funland for me.
Peridot: Wait! Why does Connie have to come.
Steven: Well why not. She's my best friend and it will give you guys more time to get to know each other.
I looked away in jealousy and anger. Why does Steven insist in hanging out with her and why does he want us to be friends so bad?
Steven: Peridot. Are you okay?
Peridot: Ya. I'm f-fine.
Steven looked at me for a second before going back and texting on his device. I'll just have to stick it out this time and go with him. After he finished texting Connie we went over to go meet her at Funland. Off we go to my nightmares. I would rather be on a mission with the gems right now then do this.
Steven: Hey Connie.
Connie: Hello Steven.
Connie waved and smiled at Steven but then when she went over to me, she gave me that ugly glares of hers and plastered on a fake smile so Steven wouldn't suspect anything.
Connie: Hi.
Peridot: Hi.
We just exchanged glares until Steven broke the silence.
Steven: How about we go on the bumper cars.
We nodded and walked over to the bumper car ride. I don't even know what it is but I'm too annoyed to ask Steven right now. When we got to the bumper cars we had to wait with a bunch of other people.
Peridot: Why is everyone just standing around?
Steven: Because we have to wait our turn to get on the bumper cars. We can't just all jump in, there's not enough for everyone to go at once.
Well whatever. It felt like we waited for eternity. Or it probably just felt like that because most of the time I had to watch Steven and Connie have a nice conversation while I just awkwardly stood behind them not knowing what to do with myself. They were laughing and they looked like they were having a good time just by standing there. Why isn't Steven like that with me? Is spending time with Connie just more fun? Jealousy boiled up inside of me as I stomped my feet impatiently. Once we finally got to the front of the line we all jumped in a car.
Steven: I get the red one!
Connie: I get the yellow one!
Peridot: I'll take the green one I guess. Don't see why it matters anyway.
I jumped into a green bumper car and put on my seatbelt. The cars started and I used the steering wheel to move. This is really cool! I watched Steven and Connie bump into each other. I think that's what you're supposed to. That's probably why it's call bumper cars. I know who I'm going to bump into first. I rode over to Connie as fast as I could and bumped her right at the side. She squealed and gave me death glare and drove after me. I quickly drove away from her and she chased me the whole rest of the ride.
Steven: See peridot. Now wasn't that fun?
Peridot: Yes it actually was.
Steven: Great because I want you to
go on this ride next!
Steven grabbed my hand and dragged me over to another ride with Connie trailing behind. This ride seemed much bigger and much more intense then the last ride. Oh I remember this. It's called a rolllercoaster but last time when I wanted to ride it with amethyst and Steven I was too short.
Peridot: Steven last time I was too short remember.
Steven: Oh yea. Hmm.......wait I have a plan.
We walked up to the roller coaster and Mr. Smiley was standing in the same spot with his stupid smile.
Mr. Smiley: Hey Steven.
Steven: Hey Mr. Smiley.......wait is that onion trying to burn down the Ferris wheel?
Mr. Smiley: Like I'm gonna fall for that-
Mr. Smileys smile disappeared as he saw onion holding two torches near the Ferris wheel.
Mr. Smiley: No not again!
Me and Steven couldn't help but to burst out laughing as we walked inside to go on the rollercoaster. I've never gone on a rollercoaster before. It's look kinda scary but I'm very excited. Me and Steven sat in the front while Connie was right behind us.
Connie: I think me and Peridot should switch.
Peridot: Why?
Connie: Because you're hair is the way.
Peridot: No it's not! My hair is fine.
Connie: Could we just switch?!
Steven: Connie she's fine where she is. Don't make a big deal out of it.
Connie angrily sat back in her chair. I smiled as I got closer next to Steven. Finally the ride started moving and I anxiously tensed up. As the roller coaster went higher in the high I looked down at the people who looked like ants. The sun beamed in my face causing me to squint my eyes. A bead of sweat fell down my forehead.
Peridot: Okay! I want to get off now Steven!
Steven: It's too late. You're gonna have to go through with it. You can hang on to me if you get scared.
I blushed and looked away as the rollercoaster got higher in the air. When it got to the top the view was actually really pretty. You could see almost all of Funland. But it quickly ended because we were already rushing back down. I let out a blood curdling scream and hung on to Stevens arm for dear life. The ride went around and around which made me feel sick. I buried my face in Stevens arm to calm myself down. I know Steven will keep me safe. This ride is very scary. But I gotta admit I do feel a bit of thrill from this ride. When the ride finally came to a stop I jumped right off and took a deep breathe. That was horrible and fun at the same time! I wish they had something like this on Homeworld. I fixed up my hair super quickly before Steven came over and notice's how messy it is.
Steven: How was it Peridot.
Peridot: I hated it!
I saw Connie give a little giggle from behind Steven. I glared at her and continued to fix my hair.
Peridot: But it was fun at the same time. I don't know how to explain it.
Steven: I get it. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I smiled and moved my last strand of hair in its right place.
Steven: What ride should we go to next?
Connie: Oh! I know.
Connie grabbed Stevens hand and led him over to a ride. This is gonna be a long day.
We spent most of the day going on different rides and playing games. Connie would keep leading Steven away from me but I'd always get him back. It's like neither of us even care about having fun. We just care about who's around Steven.
Steven: Its getting late. Maybe we could go the barn or something.
Peridot: Sure.
Connie: Alright.
Great. Now Connie had to come into where I live. We all walked back to the barn together. Once we got there Steven went to go get something. I wonder what he could possibly have here. Me and Connie just waited awkwardly. While we waited I went to go get my tablet so that I can keep myself busy and not have to deal with this clod. When I came back with my tablet attached to my wrist Connie just glared at me.
Peridot: What?
Connie: Ugh why are bringing that and why is it attached to your body.
Peridot: Because I want to and I like to attached to my wrist.
Connie: Ugh whatever.
I glared at her and anger rose in my chest.
Peridot: You know why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you!
Connie: Nothing Peridot just drop it.
Peridot: No! I want to know now so that whatever problem you have with me I can could try-
Connie: You wanna know why I don't like you Peridot. Because Steven liked me until you just came around out no where. No he just hangs around with you all the time and has no time for me. You think you can just come here and take my Steven.
Peridot: I-I'm sorry it's not my fault and he's not yours.
Connie took a few steps closer to me and I stepped back in fear.
Connie: And what makes you think he's not.
Peridot: He belongs to no one. It's his choice on who he wants to be with.
Connie: Well he's gonna pick me because no one would want to be with a ugly, green freaky alien.
Connie ran over to me and snatched my tablet off my wrist and threw it hard against the wood floor. I gasped loudly and ran over to it. She broke my tablet. Steven gave this to me as a present. It replaced everything I ever had and made me feel like a technician again. I was even able to communicate with Steven even if he was far away. It's everything I am. I slowly picked it up and saw a huge crack and tiny little bits falling off. I tried turning it on but it wasn't working. A tear fell down my cheek.
I heard Steven run downstairs.
Steven: What happened?!
Peridot: This stupid human broke my tablet.
Steven: Connie? Why would you do that?
Peridot: Ugh! You know this is your fault Steven.
Steven: How is it my fault!
Peridot: Because your the one that insisted that I go to funland and your the one that invited her to come with us! I don't even know why you hang out with her!
Steven: You told me that everything was fine between you two!
Peridot: Don't you know anything Steven! We were just pretending! Ugh forget it!
I ran away in anger and sadness. I ran all the way to the beach where I hid behind a rock. I hate Funland. And I hate Connie. What did I ever do to deserve this. And now I just yelled at Steven and he's probably mad at me and won't want to be my friend anymore! I looked at the cracked screen before bursting out in tears. I know some people probably think I'm just overreacting but this tablet means a lot to me. When I came to earth I lost everything. My logs, screen, and my limb enhancers. But this made me feel like I had those things and it helped me learn a lot about earth and humans. Plus Steven gave to me which made it even more special and I probably just wasted his money. I stayed behind the rock until I heard someone calling my name. I didn't answer because I knew it was Steven and I didn't feel like talking to him right now. He's probably gonna tell me how he doesn't want to be my friend anymore and stuff.
Steven: Peridot! There you are.
Steven sat down next to me and looked at me worried. I just hugged myself tighter and looked away from him hoping he'll just go away.
Steven: Peridot look I'm sorry that I made you go to Funland with me and Connie. If you didn't like Connie you should have told me. I would understand.
I didn't answer. I just continued to look at the sea.
Steven:......Why didn't you tell me that you didn't like Connie?
Peridot: Because I didn't want you to be upset. I saw how important it was to you that we got along.....I-I didn't want to disappoint you.
Steven: Peridot nothing you do could ever disappoint me.
Steven placed his hand on my thigh but I moved away from him. I saw him put his hand on his arm and look away.
Steven: And I'm sorry for what happened to you're tablet. I didn't think Connie would do that. I promise I'll get you a new one and you can come with me and pick it out yourself.
I glanced back at him before I sighed and looked back at the ocean.
Steven: Your..... Your still my friend right?
Peridot: Yeah were still friends.
Steven: Could you at least look me in the face and say it just so I know you mean it.
I continued looking at the sea. Of course I still want to be friend with Steven but I just need some alone time and I don't feel like looking him in the face right now. I'm too nervous and angry. As I looked at the ocean I felt a hand slip beneath my cheek and carefully guide me to look Steven in the face. I blushed lightly as his hand made warmth spread throughout my face.
Steven: Are we still friends?
He looked me straight in the eye and waited patiently for my answer without moving his hand from my cheek for a second. I sighed.
Peridot: I promise we're still friends. I just want to be alone right now.
Steven: Okay.
Steven still didn't remove his hand. He just let his hand rest on my cheek for a few seconds. Until he reluctantly let go like he didn't want to.
Steven: I understand. If you need me I'll be at the temple. And if you don't want to see Connie anymore then you don't have to.
I smiled after that sentence. Never seeing Connie again sounds great. I watched as Steven walked back to the temple. Today has been one heck of a day.

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