Chapter 9

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I squinted my eyes as sunlight flooded my vision. I yawned and sat up memories of yesterday slowly flooding my head. I blushed and climbed down the ladder.
Lapis: Good morning Peridot.
Peridot: Morning Lapis. What are you doing today?
Lapis: Nothing much. Just hanging around the barn and flying. What about you.
Peridot: I'm going over to Stevens today.
Lapis: Hehe. Okay, have fun.
I walked out the barn ad headed over to Stevens house. I hope it's not too awkward after what happened between me and Steven yesterday. Maybe I can ask him why he did it when I get there. If only Amethyst hadn't came and ruined it. I sighed as I walked up to Stevens door and opened it. He was sitting at the table eating some cereal.
Steven: Hey peridot.
Peridot: Hey Steven.
I took the seat next to him.
Peridot: What do you wanna do today.
Stevens face became a little nervous as he set his spoon down.
Steven: Well.....Peridot you don't ever want to see Connie again right?
Peridot: Ugh! I don't want her near me.
Steven: Oh.
Steven scratched the back off his neck as he let out a nervous chuckle.
Steven: So I guess that means you don't want me to invite her over here
My eyes widened as I looked at Steven in anger.
Peridot: Of course not! Don't tell me your gonna invite her.
Steven: I........I-I already did.
Peridot: Steven!
Steven: You said that I could be friends with her.
Peridot: Yes you can! But not me. I don't want to see her.
Steven: But Peridot.
Peridot: If you want to hang out with her then go ahead. I'm going back to the barn.
Steven grabbed my arm to stop me.
Steven: Peridot please don't leave. I know you don't like Connie but can't you just just stand her for one day.
Peridot: No.
Steven: Please. For me.
I crossed my arms and sighed. I can't say no to that face
Peridot: Ugh! Fine.
I'm only doing this for Steven. There's no way I'm going to become friends with Connie. Ugh now I wish I hadn't have come. I don't want to be friends with Connie. She's probably just doing this so she can take Steven away from me. After what she did to me Steven can't just expect me to forgive that and be friends with her. This isn't going to end well. I heard a knock on the door and Steven got up to answer it.
Steven: Hey Connie
Connie: Hey Steven. Hi Peridot.
Peridot: Hi.
I saw Steven lightly elbow Connie's arm.
Connie: I just want to say I'm sorry for everything I did. I promise that I'll never do it again. Can we be friends.
I wanted to barf. Worst. apology. ever. I looked over at Steven who gave me a pleading look and I just sighed.
Peridot. Okay.
I just want this day to be over with so Connie can leave and I could go back to the barn.
Peridot: So what now?
Steven: Hmm.......I guess we can just hang out here.
Connie: Okay.
We all decided to just watch a couple of movies. I tried to sit next to Steven but Connie came and squeezed in between us so now I was on the far right. I wasn't even paying attention to the movie because I was too caught up in my thoughts. Connie and Steven aren't paying attention to the movie either because there too busy talking and laughing. Why did Connie have to come and ruin everything. Steven probably doesn't even remember the events yesterday because he's too caught up with Connie. I forced back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes when I saw Connie place her hand on top of Steven's with him blushing. Why do I feel so.....betrayed. I feel like Steven just wants her back again so he tried to get me and Connie to be friends. Just look at them. Steven looks so happy to finally be with Connie again. There talking up a storm. We probably watched about 3 different movies until we got bored and decided to take a walk on the beach. I wasn't really in the mood to talk so while Connie and Steven walked along the beach talking I stayed behind them watching. Steven glanced behind his shoulder at me before he walked over to me.
Steven: Peridot, isn't it beautiful here at sundown?
I glanced over at the sun with the water sparkling. I guess it is beautiful. But at that moment I didn't care. So I tried to make my voice sound happy or at least like I didn't sound miserable but I failed.
Peridot: Yea it's nice.
Stevens smile faded and he looked at me with a worried expression.
Steven: Peridot, are you okay?
Connie: Steven! Are you coming. Is everything okay?
Steven: Yea, I'll be there in a minute.
Connie was a few feet in front of us admiring the sunset.
Steven: Peridot, if something is bothering you, you can tell me.
Peridot: No I'm fine, don't worry. Just go up there with Connie.....she's waiting for you.
Steven: But....
Peridot: Just go.
Steven sighed and walked back up to Connie and started talking again. I just stayed behind looking down at the water. I sat down on the sand and brang my knees to my chest. Connie's back for one day and she's already taking him away. I guess I should just face the facts. There meant for each other and me and Steven are just......friends. A tear slipped down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. The sun was completely down now letting the stars rise up and twinkle in the night sky. I looked back over at Connie. She waved goodbye to him. She started walking away and when she passed me she just smirked at me.
Connie: Bye Peridot.
Steven walked over to me and held out his hand to help me up but I didn't take it. I stood up on my own and wiped the sand off of me.
Steven: Well, now that Connie's gone do you wanna come back to the temple with me and hang out? Just the two of us?
I thought about it. It would be nice to finally be alone with Steven but.....I don't want to. I'm just not in the mood to hang out anymore and I just wanna go back to the barn and go to sleep.
Peridot: No thanks. I'm just gonna go back to the barn.
Steven: Ok. Do you wanna hang out tomorrow then?
Peridot: No, I think I wanna spend some time with lapis tomorrow.
Steven: I understand. Then when do you wanna hang out?
Peridot: Steven....I don't know.
Steven: Okay well whenever you do wanna hang out just tell me to make up for today.
I tried walking away but he just ended up following me. Now I'm starting to get annoyed.
Steven: Good. Can I least walk you back to the barn?
Peridot: Ugh. NO!
I covered my mouth from my sudden outburst. He looked at me in surprise which then quickly turned to hurt. I didn't mean to yell at him but he just wouldn't stop and give me some space and it was making me annoyed. Steven must really want to get some alone time with me. I just want him to leave me alone right now. I need a break from Steven. Sometime to think on my own.
Peridot: I-I'm sorry. I just want to be left alone. How about we hang out Monday.
Steven: O-okay.
Peridot: Goodbye.
I started walking away this time without Steven following me. I took a glance behind me. I saw him put his hands in his pockets kicking a rock away from him as he walked back the temple slowly. I ripped my head away from him so I wouldn't have to see the pained look on his face. It looked like he was about to cry. I felt guilt well up in my chest for how I acted. He just wanted to hang out with me. I overreacted as usual. I just couldn't stand watching Connie and Steven have so much fun together. They looked as though they were having more fun then me and Steven do. I sighed and ran back over to him.
Peridot: S-Steven.
Steven: Peridot why are you back?
Peridot: I j-just wanted to say that I'm sorry for how I acted. I guess I'm just having a bad day. You can walk with me back to the barn if you want.
Steven: It's okay. I'd love to walk home with you.
We started to walk back to the barn in silence. It was very awkward. Should I wait for him to say something or maybe......
Steven: S-so, it wasn't that bad with Connie today right?
Peridot: Ugh.
Steven: I think she's really changed.
Peridot: *sigh* Whatever
Steven POV
Ok, this is going horribly wrong. Peridot must really not like Connie. But why does she hate her so much. I get what Connie did was wrong but she apologized and she's changed. Connie seemed good to Peridot today compared to last time we all hung out. I just don't get what the problem is.
Steven: Peridot why do you hate Connie so much?
Period looked at me with a surprised expression.
Peridot: W-well I just don't trust her.
Steven: I know but your not even giving her a chance.
Peridot: I don't want to give her a chance.
I wish Peridot and Connie would just become friends or at least not hate each other. We spent the rest of the walk in silence until we finally arrived at the barn.
Steven: See you Monday Peridot.
Peridot: Okay bye.
I walked back to the temple opening the door to see Amethyst stuffing her face with food
Amethyst: Hey dude. What cha doing today.
Steven: I hung out today with Peridot and Connie.
Amethyst: Connie! How did Peridot react?!
Steven: Not so good. She looked upset all day.
Amethyst: I don't think what you did was such a good idea. Peridot and Connie like hate each other.
Steven: But why! Why can't they just be friends. Maybe there's a way I could get them to get along.
Amethyst: You shouldn't force two people who hate each other to just become friends. Just give it time.
Steven: I guess your right. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight Amethyst.
Amethyst: Night Steven.
I walked up to my room and slipped on my pajamas throwing myself onto my bed. Monday will be great. Just me and Peridot. I yawned as I felt my eyes grew heavy and I fell asleep.

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