Chapter 13

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    Connie got into her fighting stance with her sword. I summoned my weapon and pointed it towards her.
Connie: You ready?
Peridot: Ready.
     Connie smirked before she started to charge towards me. She thrusted her sword towards me which I dodged easily. She continued to thrust her sword towards me while I gracefully dodged each one. She groaned in annoyance before she tried to attack me from the side but I ducked just in time. That was close. I slid under her so I was now behind her and fired my weapon. There was a huge explosion and smoke filled the air making everything hard to see. I looked around frantically for Connie but she was no where to be seen. I felt fear rise in my chest but I ignored it. I can't be afraid of a human. I'm a Crystal gem! I can handle-
I gasped in suprise as Connie came out of no where and sliced my cheek with her sword. I hissed in pain and put a hand up to my cheek. I looked up at Connie who had a devilish smirk on her face. I growled in anger before a planted a punch to her nose. She yelped out in pain and covered her now bloody nose. I pointed my weapon towards her and smirked. I like this fight.
Stevens POV
Connie and Peridot had been gone for a while. I wonder why they wanted to stay behind. Maybe they wanted to spend some time together. But why would it be at the sky arena? It makes no sense. I feel like I should go check on them, just to make sure there okay. I walked onto the warp pad and warped myself to the sky arena. But when I got there everything was clouded with smoke. I could barely even see where I was going. I looked around in confusion. What's happening. I heard low screams and swords clashing in the distance. Are they fighting or something. I walked around looking for them but they were no where to be seen.
Steven: Peridot! Connie!
I stepped back in surprise when I managed to see a few flashing lights through all of the smoke. I groaned in frustration. Where are they! All of sudden I saw a bright green glow. That must be Peridot. I ran toward it until Peridot came into view.
Steven: Peridot!
    Peridot looked over at me in surprise.
Peridot: Steven! What are you doing here!
Steven: What's happening?!
Peridot: Look out!
     I turned around and saw a sword raised in the air towards us but I couldn't see who was holding it. I summoned my shield and block it.
Connie: Steven?
     The smoke cleared up a little so I could finally see that it was Connie. What just happened!? I looked Connie who had a bloody nose and was panting heavily. I then looked over at Peridot who had a cut on her cheek. I leave for a few minutes and this is what happens.
Steven: Were you guys fighting?
Connie: No Steven it isn't what you're thinking. It was just a sparring session.
I raised my eyebrow in suspicion. This seems like it's a lot more the just a simple sparring session.
Steven: Are you sure?
Peridot: Yea you don't have to worry Steven.
      I sighed. I guess if no ones really hurt and they both agreed to just have a simple fight then everything's ok. If anything it's a good thing. They had some bonding time together. Of course it's not the typical kind of bonding time but I'll take it.
Steven: Fine. At least you two are getting along. But I think it's time to go back to the temple.
Connie: Ok. That was a good fight Peridot.
     Connie held out her hand for a handshake which Peridot hesitantly took. I couldn't help but to smile. My two best friends are finally getting along. Now we can all be friends.
Peridot POV
    Ugh.....Why did Steven have to come back. That fight was getting really good. It would have been so funny to see Connie lose and beg for mercy under my feet..........okay I'm getting a little carried away but still. We all warped back to the temple.
Connie: Well it's getting late and I should probably head back home.
Steven: Wait. You're nose is bleeding.
Steven got a little closer to Connie to examine her nose.
Connie: Steven its fine. I can just take care of it back at home.
Steven: I can't let one of my best friends go home like that. I'll take care of it.
Steven grabbed Connie's arm and lead her to the couch before he grabbed a wet towel and started to dab it on Connie's nose. I crossed my arms and growled at them angrily. I put a hand on my cut cheek and hissed in pain. I hurt my cheek but Steven doesn't seem to notice. He's too fixated on Connie to even care about me. I noticed a blush on Stevens face as his eyes connected with hers until he pulled back.
Steven: T-There, all fixed.
Connie: Thanks Steven. See you later.
Connie hugged Steven before she left the house. I sighed and looked down at the ground. Its getting late I should probably get back to the barn. I was about to walk out the door until I felt a hand grab mine.
Steven: Where are you going?
Peridot: Back got to the barn.
Steven: But..........Peridot. What happened to your cheek?
Steven grabbed my chin and tilted my head slightly so he could examine my cut. Now he notices.
Peridot: It's just a scratch.
Steven: No it's not. I'll heal it
Steven leaned in closer to my face until he placed a kiss on my cheek instantly healing the cut. I blushed as I placed a hand on my cheek.
Peridot: Thanks Steven.
Steven: No problem. But are you sure you want to go to the barn?
Peridot: Yea. It's better that I stay there.
Steven looked a little sad but he shrugged it off as he followed me to the door.
Steven: Well maybe you could come by tomorrow.
Peridot: Sure. Sounds great.
Steven opened the door for me and I was about to walk out until I noticed the rain that was pouring down heavily and lightning that appeared in the sky. I have to walk all the way to the barn through this? Oh stars.
Steven: Peridot you can't go out in this weather. Please just stay here.
I sighed before I turned towards Steven.
Peridot: Okay. There's no harm in staying here anyway.
Steven: Yes! We can have a sleepover with snacks and movies!
I smiled at Stevens excitement. It's better that I stay here especially since it makes Steven happy.
Peridot: Sounds great.

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