The Last Hello

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*Kayla's POV*

   Tyler and I had been friends since birth, and we soon learned to make new friends. That time was hard for me, but he didn't notice. Tyler was tackled by girls, had many friends, but left one in the dust of the school. Me. I had made one friend, and I haven't seen her since 5th grade, and I'm now in 8th. No one talks to me. Tyler sometimes gets to talk to me, but not for long. I had to find a way to change my life, turn it around. 

   The next day I headed off to school was a Wednesday, I would not be able to talk to Tyler today. The only day is Thursday, so at least it was tomorrow. After this week, it would be summer vacation. The whole school day, no one looked at me, talked to me, anything. That was normal for me. When I got home, mom wasn't home, and neither was dad. That was normal also. Every single family member was not home. Also normal. My brother Kyle was out with friends and my sister Julie was out probably shopping. She's always mean to me, so I'm happy she was not home.

   I laid on the couch because there was nothing else to do. I grabbed my laptop and watched a movie on Netflix. I watched one with Ryan Dust in it. He was talented, and just, well, hot. Every girl that watches one movie of him immediatly falls in love. I didn't have the same exact feeling, but he is still awesome. 

   The whole day was eating, laptop, and TV. No one came home, which was still normal. At 1:00 in the morning I finally went to bed. I never thought I'd stay awake so late with nothing to do. It was amazing, but I was tired the next day. Mom and dad were gone, at work or something like that. Both my siblings were already gone, so I was alone in the morning. Rarely my siblings are still here, but it's rare. I grabbed some toast and ate it and ran off. The bus was here, so I was almost late. 

   I sat on a random seat and stared out the window. I watched trees sweep by as well as houses. All the sudden I felt a bump on the seat, I turned around and saw a boy there. Sitting next to me? That was not normal! 

   "Uh.. Hi?" I said. He turned to me and talked in a quiet voice.

   "H-hi." He said shyly. I didn't have anything else to say. I could die of embarressment saying just one word. I could tell he felt the same way. 

   "I'm Kayla." I said. 

   "I'm Derek." He said. 

   "Nice to meet you, I guess." I said, not trying to be mean, but I was scared of just saying 'nice to meet you'. 

   "You too.." 

   "Why are you talking to me?" I said. He looked scared, scared he was sitting next to someone who was going to kill him for looking at her. "Not to be mean! I just uh... Never get talked to." I said quickly.

   "Oh, uh, no other seats.. I'd rather be alone." Derek said and looked down at his feet, which were now swinging to the front and to the back over and over.

    "I wouldn't but, I don't have any friends, and neither do people WANT to be my friends.." I sighed, and looked out the window, expecting no reply, expecting him to leave and sit next to another person. Derek didn't and he said he had the same problem, except he didn't have any friends at all. We talked a lot until we got to school. He disappeared when we got to school, and I saw Tyler waiting for me. I ran over to him, almost knocking him over.

   "Tyler, how has the week been? Mine's been the same." I said and I saw that he didn't want to reply because he didn't want to say how good it was when mine's been bad.

   "Oh, no friends made?" Tyler said. 

   "Well, one. I made a friend on the bus, her name's Derek." I smiled. 

   "That's great!" Tyler said and smiled.

   "I know! I don't expect him to be my friend for long though, like Lily." I said sadly.

   "Like Lily?" Tyler said.

   "Yeah! You remember her, right?" I said. He nodded. 

   "I think I have to go, I'm sorry." Tyler said.

   "Why so early this time?" I asked.

   "My friends wanted me to meet them, so sorry!" Tyler said and ran. He'd never do that to me! I had to see what was going on. I followed him quietly, and hided whenever I could. I saw him go to his friends, so it was true. He truely left me for his stupid friends.

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