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*Ryan's POV* 

   I called her like 500 times this weekend, I was worried. Kayla hasn't answered and she said she was never doing anything. I had to check out what was happening. I ran to her house and knocked on the door. I waited about 5 minutes and the door opened. No one was there. I walked in. 

   "Kayla?" I called. "I know you are here somewhere." I heard crying behind the door, I checked, and Kayla was there, crying a river. 

   "Whats wrong?" I sat down next to her. I heard a whisper from her.

   "My life is downhill.." She said.

   "What happened?" I got no reply. She just cried into her arms. I kissed her on the forehead. "I'm sure it's okay, whatever it is! It's fine." She shook her head. I looked at the door and saw a boy there, I didn't want to ask for his name, not now. I'm sure whoever it is, he knows Kayla. He stared at Kayla. 

   "Could you leave for a sec?" He asked. 

   "Are you one of her friends?" I asked, but Kayla nodded. I nodded, and left. 


*Derek's POV*

   I sat next to Kayla, and just looked down for a while. "Is it Tyler?" I asked. 

   She nodded. "I didn't want... to... ruin our friendship but... that's exactly.. what I did...." Kayla said.

   "It's kinda my fault.. I did tell you, but I had to.." I said.

   "It's okay... you had to... I had to find... out sooner or later.." She said.

   "Do you want to be alone?" I asked, although I didn't want to leave her. Luckily, she shook her head. "Do you want Ryan?" She shook her head. "Do you want anything?" 

    "Food.." She said. I nodded, and got up to go to her kitchen and look for food.


*Kayla's POV* 

    I had to do something. I had to try one last time, I texted Tyler. 'Come back. I messed up, I truly did. I'm depressed, way too depressed. I haven't done anything, not even eat. I'll die without you in my life Tyler, please just, don't leave me. Were all worried about you.' I got a reply! I was so excited, until I read it. 'Goodbye, Kayla. I'm leaving town.' I cried and fell to the floor. I got up and Derek came. He handed me a sandwich, peanut butter and jelly. 

   "Sorry I, really can't make anything." He said. 

   I ate the sandwich. "Thanks." I faked a smile.

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