No One Gets in my Way

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 *Tyler's POV*

 I finally met Kayla on Thursday, and I saw how happy she was. She told me about her new friend, and I was happy. I was a bit, well, jealous. She told me she doesn't expect them to be friends for long, like Lily, but I think she meant something else. I had a crush on Kayla since 6th grade, but I felt too young to ask her out. I didn't want anything in the way of it.. I must make an excuse and talk to this Derek. I feel mean doing this, but I don't want to lose her for another. 

   I said I had to go meet my friends and said I was sorry, but I could tell she was sad and a bit angry. I could tell she would follow, she knew there was something fishy going on, because I'd never do that to her. Some of my friends knew about the crush so I texted them about what I had to do. They agreed to meet me until she left. We met up and I saw her walk away sadly, and that made me feel even more bad for doing this.

   I knew the Derek she talked about, there was only one Derek in this school out of 500 people, its weird. I searched, I would even skip first period to, luckily I didn't have to. He was by his locker, doing something.

   "Hello!" I said cheerfully. 

   "Oh! Uh, hello." Derek said.

   "Derek, isn't it? I'm Tyler, Kayla's other friend."

   "Yes.. That's my name. So your her other friend."

   "Yeah, and, uh, how do I say this nicely. I kinda.. uh.... like her. Could you try not to,uh, fall in love with her?"

   He grinned. "Okay, if I ever did, she would never go out with me!" 

   "Don't tell her either!" I said and ran off, first period was about to start!


*Kayla's POV* 

   I was depressed the whole day, and the day went by the same, except I got a few stares and laughs. What was that about? I got on the bus and sat down, soon Derek sat next to me. Didn't make me feel any better. 

   "Hi Kayla." He said, and I could tell he was hiding something, but I was too sad to ask about it.

   "Hey.." I said.

   He could tell I was depressed. "Whats wrong?" Derek asked. 

   "Oh, this is the only day I get to meet Tyler at the beginning of the day on Thursday. He apparently had to hang with his friends!" I clenched my fists. "He never does that to me! So apparently now he's busy on Thursday!" I was mad, and I wanted to kill Tyler.

   "He came to see me in the morning." Derek said.

   "What! Why?" I said.

   "I uh, can't tell you." He said.

   "TE-" I wanted to yell at him, but I calmed down first. "Tell me please! Or I'll force him to!"

   "I'm sorry! He'll kill me if I tell you!" He said.

   "Not if I kill him first!" I never got so mad in my life. I wanted to kill everyone, but Derek's soft brown eyes told me not to. I sighed. I felt myself holding back tears. "I just don't want to lose Tyler.. My friend since birth. If I lose him, I got nothing left, but you. I just want to make sure it's not a plan or something." 

   Derek stared at me. "Why are you afraid?"

   "Well, I can never speak to him. If I try, everyone would kill me. I can't do anything." I felt tears, so I looked down and tried to hide them.

   "You can't love him?" Derek asked. It was an odd question.

   "No, I'd be killed by girls. Besides, I don't want to. We've been friends forever, I don't want to ruin that." I said.

    "Oh." Derek sounded sad.

   "Why such an odd question?" I asked.

   "Just wondering." He said.

   The bus stopped and I got off the bus to my empty house. That question swirled in my mind. You can't love him? I heard a truck stop at the vacant house next door. I could not believe my eyes when I saw who walked out.

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