My Dear Laurens

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>>(A/N: okay so BriBerryBirdy asked me to write a response letter for 'Dear Boy' so whoop here it is.)<<

My Dear Laurens,

You have always been such a peculiar man, John Laurens. You wander why I have yet to write these words to you, yet in the letter I have just received from you, you take notice of how I write to you practically nightly. Is this not enough for you, my Dear?

Then again, I suppose you have always been quite simple, which is admirable at most times, but is currently a nuisance to my very existence. You cannot seem to comprehend what I wish to convey by sending letters to you every morrow on the morrow. Even so, I continue to admire you.

If seeing those words on paper is the only way to convince you, I suppose now is the time to write them. I must confess, my dear Laurens, that my fingers are beginning to shake as I press my quill to the page, as well as my palms are beginning to perspire. Never before has a woman made me feel so qualled, yet you, John Laurens, you have managed to take words from the very man that is foreseen to never silence himself.

You wander why I continue to write, even after our night together and you worry that your feelings towards myself may not be reciprocated. Can you not see, my Dear Laurens, that this is my way of reciprocating?

I am cold in my professions, yet warm in my friendships, this is a fact that you of all people should know. Yet, it is my wish, my Dear Laurens, that it mught be in my power, by action rather than words, to convince you that I love you.

These letters are my way of taking action, simple man, can you not see? Have you become blind in our time apart? Of course I love you, John Laurens, indefinitely. How could you even let the ridiculous notion of myself not feeling this way plague your mind?

I have been trying to tell you from the moment we met not to fret about such a school yard affair, and I have attempted to show you on multiple occasions that my love for you will never be in doubt. Yes, my Dear Laurens, a part of my heart now belongs to Ms. Schyluer and yet another part to the wary eyes of the public.

Yet, you still reign over yet another, much larger section of my heart, as you will for the rest of my waking days. You stole it without my consent, you beautifully simple man, yet I allowed you to keep it upon realizing that you were it's rightful owner in the first place.

You were made to be admired, my Dear Laurens, sculpted by God, Himself, and who am I to deny the Lord of his wishes?

Simply put, I adore you, John Laurens, I truly do. No matter what is to happen to either of us, I will emerge either dead or alive and still hopelessly in love with Lt. Col. John Laurens of the South Carolina 51st.

Yours Forever,
~Cmm. Alexander Hamilton

>>(A/N: I hope that turned out okay. I did this all for you, Bri [may I call you Bri?] so hopefully that's what you looking for. B-Bee out, PEACE!

~Bumblebee Cucumber)<<

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