John Laurens, you--

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This is a modern AU so go me for doing two in a row!! Also, SUPER Southern!John because accents are adorable and more people should cite in their fics that John was Southern af irl.

Alexander Hamilton was 7 years old, had been America for about two weeks, and was already scared for his life. It was only his second day in his new school, and he had already managed to gain the attention of a group of older boys. They cornered Alexander and began to attack him verbally.

They threw around some vulgar terms, sneering at Alexander as they poorly mocked his Carribean accent and made fun of his caramel skin tone. Alexander stood through all of this, keeping his chin raised although his lip was quivering. He just wanted to go home where he would be safe in his mother's arms and never return to this attrocious place again.

"The quiet type, huh?," one of the boys asked when Alexander said nothing to retort their taunts, reaching out to hold Alexander by the collar of his shirt. "Well I'll getcha squealing real loud here a second," the boy muttered darkly, raising his fist slowly as he spoke. Alexander closed his eyes up tight, mentally preparing himself for the impact of the punch that never came.

"What on earth on you guys doing?," Alexander heard an unfamiliar voice ask, making him crack one eye open to get a peak of the newcomer.

"Samuel Seabury, you put that poor lil' feller down right this instant or I will tell your mama faster than a greased pig on wheels," said the newcomer in a light Southern drawl, which made the boy that had been ready to hit Alexander drop his collar without a second thought.

The Southern newcomer nodded at this, crossing his arms over his chest as he spoke. "Now y'all best be gettin' along before I tell Principle Washington that you were bullying this kid!" He pointed to Alexander at the end of the statement, raising his chin as though he was daring any of the bullies to defy him. They grumbled in defeat before trudging away as one unit, probably off to go trod on an anthill or take candy from babies.

The Southerner turned to Alexander, his green eyes sparkling in the midday sun. Alexander couldn't help but take note that this boy also had a caramel skin tone, which made him feel slightly better about his own pigmentation.

"I'm sorry about them," said the Southerner softly, gesturing with a thumb over his shoulder to the sulking bullies.

"They all think they're so great just because their families got money. I always try to tell 'em that money don't mean nothin' if nobody likes you, but they don't exactly like listening to me." He pressed his mouth into a tight line at this, shaking his head ever so slightly as though he were shaking off the problem, seeming a lot older than he actually was as he did so.

Then, the Southerner's eyes widened, and he looked at Alexander in what seemed to be shock. "Would you look at me, talking on and on about myself when you're still on the ground? Shucks, I'm awful sorry, I'm just real forgetful sometimes. Mama says I got 'selective memory', whatever that means. Here, lemme help you up." And with this, he offered Alexander both his hand and a huge smile, going from one ear all the way to the next.

Alexander hesitantly took the boy's hand, and was shocked, to say the least, when he literally pulled him to his feet without a moment of thought or a bit of struggle. "I'm John, by the way. John Laurens," the Southerner, John, said, that same smile from earlier still on his face as he kept firm hold of Alexander's hand. "What's your name?"

"Alexander Hamilton," Alexander replied softly, reeling back ever so slightly when John gave his hand a hardy shake while saying "It's a pleasure to meet you, Alexander Hamilton!" John then let go of his hand, still smiling from ear to ear, seeming simply overjoyed.

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