Monsieur Laurens?

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Alexander sauntered wearily into the tavern, his eyes betraying him by showing just how exhausted he truly was. He looked around, finally finding his companions and taking a seat with them. Of course, it was just his luck that as he sat down, Lafayette was gushing over his Adrienne to Laurens and Mulligan, simply raving about her handsome appearance and the beautiful children she had already blessed him with.

"Gilbert, s'il vous plaît," Alexander finally groaned when it has become too much for him to bear, rubbing at his temples with his forefingers as he spoke. Lafayette gave him a strange look, pressing his mouth into a tight line upon hearing his first name.

"I beg your pardon, Alexander. Have I upset you?," he asked slowly, almost as if his spoken words were his reminder to Alexander that he was now fluent in English, and he needed not to speak French in order to be understood. Alexander sighed a long-suffering sigh, casting his glance to their two friends across the table that were looking at him with concern in their eyes.

"No, Lafayette, you have not upset me. Pardon me for being so rude, mon ami."
"Think nothing of it," Lafayette assured, a smile on his face.

"However, if you had tired of hearing about Adrienne, you only needed to say so, and I would have seized at once." Lafayette laughed a bit at this, and Alexander laughed along with him as though not to be left out. However, his laugh was dishonest, having no true joy behind it, only a joyful noise raising from his throat.

Once Lafayette had seized in his laughter, he redirected his attention to Laurens and Mulligan across the table, who were now conversing about one thing or the next. Knowing better than to interrupt a conversation, he turned back to Alexander, who seemed a bit out of sorts yet again.

"Is something the matter, mon ami?," Lafayette asked with worry lacing his voice as he layed a hand on Alexander's shoulder. He could tell that Alexander had been up into the wee hours of the morning writing yet again, which often left Alexander with nausea to tolerate the next day. Alexander looked up at him, glanced to their friends across from them, then back again to Lafayette.

"They will overhear," Alexander finally muttered, nodding towards Laurens and Mulligan as a way of indication. Lafayette removed his hand from Alexander's shoulder, a look of concern on his face as he spoke.

"Alors, peut-être en français?" (Then, perhaps in French?) Alexander glanced across the table yet again only to look back at Lafayette, worrying his own lower lip between his teeth as he pondered his options. Finally, Alexander released his lip with a nod, trusting that Lafayette would not repeat what incriminating words he was about to say.

"Ce n'est pas juste!," Alexander said a bit loudly, making Lafayette flinch ever so slightly. (It is not fair!)

"Qu'est-ce que tu, Alexander?," Lafayette asked in annoyed tone, wishing that Alexander would be more specific with his grievances.
(What are you talking about, Alexander?)

Alexander sighed, sounding like he was explaining something to a child as he spoke. "Je suis amoureux!"
(I am in love!)

Lafayette's eyes widened in shock, looking at Alexander in what could only be described as a bewildered fashion. "Tu plaisantes," he finally managed to say while shaking his head as if the motion would make Alexander's statement disappear.
(You must be joking.)

Alexander shook his head, averting his eyes as he did so. His cheeks became florid with a sudden rush of blood as he said "Non, Je suis sérieux."
(No, I am being serious.)

Lafayette's expression went from doubtful to completely unbelieving within a matter of moments, and a strange sort of smile sound its way onto his face as he spoke. "Je ne peux pas le croire! Le tomcat a finalement donné son cœur!"
(I cannot believe it! The tomcat has finally given away his heart!)

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