Domesticated Tomcat™

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>Modern AU for Bri just to pacify her; title partly inspired by the line 'If the tomcat can get married' from The Story Of Tonight Reprise. Also, consider this my mandatory Domestic™ AU. Also please take note that this special oneshot has some adult content in it (no, not smut, you sinners). By adult content, I mean there's talk of human biology, and..."male specimen" but not in those exact words. If you're uncomfortable with any of this, please do not read it.<

Alexander and John Laurens-Hamilton wanted a child more than anything. John had even compromised a list of orphanages near their home that they could adopt from. But, Alexander being the headstrong man he was, wanted a child that was theirs, nobody else's. All theirs. So, after much consideration, they asked Eliza Schulyer to be the surrogate mother to their baby.

Eliza was a truly sweet girl, and an old friend of theirs, so Alexander and John could think of nobody else to ask to carry their baby. Eliza had agreed with a huge smile, saying afterwards that she had better get 'Godmother rights'. 'Godmother rights', in this case, simply being Eliza-talk for 'I want to spoil your baby.'

However, Eliza couldn't get pregnant without a counterpart to her eggs. Alexander immediately volunteered to be the giver of said counterpart, and John did not argue. However, the fertility clinic needed to test both Eliza's eggs and Alexander's sperm in order to make sure they were both fertile. Alexander thought nothing of it, and gave his sample like it was nothing.

~One week later~

John had walked in from getting the mail, giving Alexander a letter that was addressed to him. "What's this?," Alexander asked, looking at John in confusion when he handed him the letter. John only shrugged as a response, muttering a soft "Dunno" as he walked into the kitchen to retrieve some breakfast. Alexander glanced at the return address, announcing to John where it had come from as he opened it.

"It's from the fertility clinic," Alexander said, the eagerness evident in his voice. John re-entered the room upon hearing that, a piece of half-buttered toast shoved into his mouth. "Vell, vopen ith," John said around the toast, making Alexander chuckle slightly. "Don't talk with your mouth full, Dearest," Alexander scolded, his tone being that of a parent chastizing their child.

John rolled his eyes, quickly finishing his toast before replying "Yes, mom." He walked over to stand behind the chair Alexander was sitting in, watching in anticipation as his husband hastily opened the letter. Finally, Alexander pulled it from it's envelope, and John leaned over Alexander's shoulder so he could read it as well.

The letter began with the words Dear Mister Laurens-Hamilton, which was immediately followed by a bunch of fancy medical terms that John simply couldn't understand. He skimmed the letter, his eyes finally landing on the words in bold print.

'We regret to inform you that you are infertile.'

John blinked twice before reading the sentence again, shaking his head as though that would make the printed words go away. "Oh no," he whispered, moving to be beside the chair rather than behind it. "I'm so sorry, Lexi," John muttered, laying his hand on his husband's shoulder.

Alexander looked up from the letter, giving John a confused look. "Sorry? Why are you sorry?"

John pressed his lips into a tight line, finding himself unable to say these words to his husband. He couldn't be the one to tell Alexander, the man who wanted children more than anything, that he couldn't have them. So, he simply pointed to the sentence, watching as Alexander redirected his attention to the letter.

John watched helplessly as Alexander's deep brown eyes skimmed over the sentence, and continued to watch as those very eyes retreated back to the beginning of the sentence and read it again and again.

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