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[A/N: Do not be misled by the title, my dearest, readers (with a comma after dearest) for this is actually a Say No To This re-write type thing. Obviously an AU because Alex and cinnamon bun, I mean, Eliza, are married BUT Laurens is still alive (and no longer in South Carolina, redefining bravery). Also, this oneshot is gonna be written in SCRIPT FORMAT (bum bum bUUUM) so strap yourself in for that.

Also be aware that this reaches some near smut levels, because, well, the song calls for it. It gets quite explicit quite quickly, but still smut, just very graphic images. Don't read it if you're not comfortable with that.]

[We open on what appears to be an empty alley way, the only light being from the moon. Enter BURR, looking solemn and desolate]


There's nothing like winter when it's chilling
Someone under stress finds someone that is willing
There's trouble in the air, you can smell it
And Alexander's by himself
I'll let him tell it.

[Lights up on HAMILTON in his study, writing an essay, looking both tired and on edge]


I hadn't slept in a week
I was weak
I was awake
You've never seen a bastard orphan
More in need of a break
Longing for Angelica
Missing my spouse
That's when Mister John Laurens
Walked into my house.

[Enter LAURENS, looking distraught but seductive]


He said...


I know you are a man of honour
So sorry to bother you at home
But I don't know where to go
And I came here all alone...


He said...


I am not happy with my wife
She cheats me
Mistreats me
Acts like she doesn't need me
I want her out of my life
Can you help me with this strife?

[HAMILTON looks momentarily confused, but LAURENS simply raises his eyebrows]


So I offered him a bed
Somewhere to rest his head
He said...


You're too kind, sir.


I asked if there was anything else I could do
To help him pull through
He said...


I'm just fine, sir.


Then I said "Well I should go to sleep."
He pulled the shoes off my feet
Pinned me to the sheet
And all I could see
Was his face close to me




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