We will find you...

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Chapter 1


"Aro time to get up" Dad yelled from downstairs. "Just a minute dad" I replied. Today was the day I got to leave New Zealand and move to Ireland. Mullinger, Ireland. I've always wanted to go there since I was little and it's a real dream come true for me. Lately though I've been having these really weird dreams with some strange but cute dirty blonde haired boy in it. There's always this forest and then he's staring straight at me and somehow say's without moving his lip's, "We will find you". I also must say that I can see ghost's and stuff but it's completely normal for me. I grabbed a bowl and spoon and poured in some Fruit loop's. I love Fruit loop's. The milk was sitting on the bench so I poured that in the bowl as well and got started.


I ran up the stairs grabbed a towel and stepped into the shower. Yeah I'm not gonna' do a description there. After I was done I dried my hair and brushed it. I did a side plait 'cos I'm cool like that. I put on a grey diamond patterned jersey and maroon coloured jeans. Afterwards I brushed my teeth grabbed my bag and ran down stairs. "Have you got everything" Dad asked. "Yep I'm pretty sure I have" I replied. "TO THE AIRPORT AND BEYOND" I yelled running towards the car. I'm pretty sure I heard dad mutter "Strange child". "I heard that dad". "Hear what" He replied. "I heard you mutter something". "Well you know it could just be ghost's trying to talk to you". I don't think it was my conscience answered for me. Well it could be . I also don't think it's a good idea to go to Ireland . Meh whatever. I hopped into the car and started driving to the airport. Dad sat beside me in the car and we drove without a word being said. His eyes were all glassy and it looked as if he was about to cry. Awww he's sad.


I looked around and I thought I saw my friend Hannah with her suitcase. Wait what she has a suitcase. I wonder where she's going. "ARO" She called. "CHLOE" I yelled. "Clo what are you doing here" I said while hugging her. "My parents said that I could go to Ireland". "I'm moving there right now" I screamed. "OH MY GOD" we yelled in unision. "So how long are you staying there for". "A few week's but if I like it I get to move there" Chloe replied.


I see Aro's at the airport now. "Boy's she's at the airport now with some blonde haired girl" I yelled from downstairs. "Cool we just need to wait until she arrives" Harry yelled back. "Anyway that blonde girl look's pretty fit" he said quietly. I really hope that she doesn't freak out when she see's us in her house. "Harry you really need to stop dong that" Liam said. Well I guess that we could slowly come out one by one. Hey that's a great plan. "GUY'S I HAVE A PLAN" I yelled. They all rushed downstairs and sat on the couch. I can't wait to tell them...


So that's the end of the chapter :) . This is the first chapter of my first ever book hope you liked it. if you have any comment's or constructive criticism you know what to do. On every five chapters I'll do a character interview so if you have any question's for them just comment on the 4th chapter when I get to it

byyyyyye from Ali :P

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