Unknown's identity revealed

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We pulled up at my new house.It looked massive compared to my old house in New Zealand. I walked in expecting no-one to be there I looked up and expected no-one to be there. But there were 5 boy's. "WHY THE HELL ARE THERE FIVE ABSOLUTE FRIGGIN' STRANGE BOY'S IN MY HOUSE" I screamed.


"Oh shit" I mumbled under my breath...



I looked around and black spot's filled my vision as the world spiralled into blackness. "Aro" Chloe screamed. I could just make out her falling to the floor aswell and then my eyes lightly shut. Where's Eleanor I thought.


"Thanks for the help El" I said smiling. "Just helping a friend" She replied. "So we know that she's confident and trustworthy and the right person" Liam said, "So what now". "Now we put the plan into action" I said. "So Liam your in charge of the neighbourhood and relocating them and get one of the other boy's to help you". "You were serious about this" He asked. "If I was'nt serious I would'nt have suggested it, now go put the plan into action and bring Zayn with you" I commanded. He walked out of the room raising an eyebrow at me. "C'mon Zayn let's go" Zayn followed him out with a blank expression knowing if he did what Liam did he'd get in trouble. "Louis, and Harry you boy's need to compell them to forget what happened and run away as soon as they wake up". "Okay but I blame you if this fail's" Louis added sassily. Harry stood there staring at the wall concentrating and smling. "Earth to Harry" I said nudging him. "Wait, what" He said clearly confused. "Did you hear any of what I just said" I asked. "Yeah nah" He replied. "I believe we're putting the plan into action- Yeah Louis your gonna explain it to him" I said. "Whatever". I can't wait for her to wake up I said to myself smiling.


"Why do I always have to do everything mature around here, just 'cos I'm the middle oldest it does'nt mean that I have to do the lot of stuff bloody hell" I said mumbling to myself. "You alright there mate" Zayn asked. "Oh yeah totally I so want to go along with this plan" I said sarcastically. Zayn snickered in responce. "This is no laughing matter Zayn". This just set him off more. Why did I meet these 4 idiot's. We went up to the first door and started stage 1.


Well someone's awfully dedicated to getting Aro and The other girl turned. I watched her dad while he was at the airport with tear's in his eyes. He really doesn't want his girl to get hurt like Aro's twin did. Aro's twin was adopted at birth because they only wanted a girl. Ya wanna know something. I am her twin but she has a different accent  because she's been living in New Zealand most of her life. Yeah that is pretty weird but I have been watching her since I got turned into this destructive killing machine. I'm still young though I got changed when I first got home to my adoptive mother's house. So there's my life story but I need to compel the girl's because they're almost awake. "Where am I" Aro asked. "Your house" I replied. "Now your gonna do what I say" I said looking into her eye's. She nodded. "You never saw me and you don't know who I am but your at your new house in Ireland and had a really late night and you don't remember going to bed last night" I compelled her. She nodded once again and began walking upstair's to her room. I followed her to make sure it worked. It all turned out well but I wanted to stay with her for a while so I lay down next to her. I need to make sure that Niall treat's her right or I'll kill him. I don't care if he's my friend or not. I'll do whatever it take's to protect my twin.

(A/N So we all know who unknown is now right and for those who have not taken the hint's its Niall but it was pretty obvious)


"Harry I think the blonde one is waking up" I said to Harry. "I'm on it" He replied. He walked over to her and began the compelling the girl. I quickly went upstair's and checked on Aro. Wait a second, is that Louis next to her. He look's as if he's sleeping. What the hell is going on here?!? "Don't worry Niall, nothing happened" He said. "Well it doesn't look like that to me" I retorted quietly. "Well I would tell you why I'm up here but it isn't the time or place" Louis shot back. Liam popped around the corner and mind linked Louis and I "Oi you two shut up or you'll wake her" with a scowl on his face. Me and Louis gave each other the look that said true has a point.


For some reason Louis seem's really protective over Aro and it's making me really suspicious of what's going on between them. He better have a good explanation 'cos boy he's in for it.


I saw El sitting down on the couch and I smiled at her. She rolled her eye's at me. What the heck is going on right now. "You okay El" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine I only saw you walk up the stair's with Aro" She said with sarcasm clearly laced in her voice. "What are you o-on oh it was part of Niall's plan I needed to compel her into going upstair's and forget everything that happened today" I said sounding hurt. "Oh... I'm sorry Lou I didn't know 'bout that part of the plan" She apologised. "It's okay I would have done the same" I replied. I sat down on the couch with her and hugged her.


Well at least the plan is done. Niall and Louis are gonna clash a bit if Louis tell's him the secret. I just hope that we all get our good ending. But what Niall's doing is just weird but whatever it's Niall, what do you expect but he has been trying to find his princess for year's and I think he's her prince. It'll be great to see him smile again. If only I could find my mate and be as happy as they will be..


There's chapter 3 for you even though it's probably crap and sorry for taking a while to update. I've just been really busy with it being school holiday's and being at my dad's place in the weekend. Anyway's if you have any idea's you want in the story feel free to inbox me. Don't be shy or anything I don't bite :). If you wanna be in this story as Liam or Zayn's girlfriend yeah just do the same about the inbox.

love Ali :P

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