Vampires next door...

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I'm so freaking happy at the moment and I can't keep it help in. I think Maria is my mate. In fact I KNOW she is. Maria is sitting next to me and has accepted the fact that I'm a vampire. I really want to protect her from the werewolves and original's. It's sad that I'll have to change them on the next full moon, but it's for her own good. We all need another plan and eventually Aro will remember who Niall is. She's been dreaming about him for a while now so the puzzle will fit into place soon...



"So what did Zayn mean when he said Louis needed to tell me something" I asked Niall. He looked at me with a misvhevious glint in his eyes. "Thats for me to know and for you to find out" He replied smirking. "Awww why can't you tell me, I'm not 5 years old" I said sounding exactly like a 5 year old. "Louis has a secret to tell you but I can'tsay because if I do he'll probebly kill me" Niall responded. "He won't kill you... Thats my job" I said casually. Niall looked at me wide eyed and then very seriously. "I was kidding" I said giggling. He fake laughed and then said "Good one". I yawned. "Niall, I'm tired". "Nooo, stay here with me"he whined playfully. I tryed to get out of the pool, but someone was hugging me to death. "Ni, let me go" I laughed tiredly. "NEVER" He malodramatically yelled. Next thing I know I'm laying on the hammock still in his arms. "Is this comfortable enough" he asked. "Everythings comfy with you here" I replied kissing his cheek. "Cheeseball" he whispered into my ear. "You remember what you said earlier right you egg" I whispered seductivly into his ear. Niall crashed his lips onto mine. His tongue traced the outline of my top lipand slowly reaching down to the bottom begging for entrence. I let him in cos' I'm nice like that. Our tongues swirled around each others mouths as my hand ran through his soft blonde hair. Wait soft blonde hair. He looks like that guy from my dream. I slowly jerked back when I realised what's going on. "What's wrong love" Niall asked concerned. "I know you from somewhere" I replied shocked. "What are you on about... Are you drunk" He said smirking. "I'm serious, you look like the person I saw in my dream" I responded. "I don't know what your on about, please come lay with me again" Niall asked pouting. "If I find out if your lying I swear I will hunt you down" I said while crashing back onto his rock hard chest. I looked up towards the stars and thought of the lion king. That is a great movie. "I know right" He said randomly. "What are you on about" I asked. "I read your mind" said Niall. "GREAT" I yelled sarcastically. I heard footsteps coming towards us as Niall head lifted up. "Is anyone th-" Suddenly I felt a warm hand cover my mouth. "Don't worry lovebird's, it's just me" I heard a feminine voice say. Eleanor's head popped out from behind the tree. "El we're not even going out" I said quickly. "Yet Aro, yet" Niall added. I have a feeling that I have to deal with a drunk, Irish vampire. Oh crap. I sighed and chuckled at Eleanor. "What do you want" Niall groaned. "Well I just want to say that Chloe is now awake and that you need to Aro safe at the moment in fact change her sooner rather than later" She replied panicking. "Aro is it okay if I change you now or do you want to think about it" Niall slurred but slowly sobering up near the end. "I think I'll just think about it" I replied. Niall nodded in responce until we heard Harry yelling; "CHLOE DON'T BE IRRATIONAL, I COULDN'T HELP IT!!!!". "Oh shit" Us three said in sync. "I think I've changed my mind about the vampire thing and yes I know there's no turning back after this" I said freaking out. I didn't notice until Niall stroked my cheek's that I was crying. "Shh it's gonna be okay" Niall cooed. "It only hurt's for ten second's and then your dead for a few hour's but then you wake up hungry for blood" Eleanor explained. I nodded and saw Chloe with red eyes looking at me. "El quickly distract Chloe" Niall yelled. "I'm sorry Aro" He whispered, his breath cascading down my neck. I felt two fang's graze down my neck slowly to my vein. "Niall, Chloe's not hungry anymore" Eleanor yelled. I saw Perrie walk out on to the deck and slap Zayn in the face. Niall and I bursted out laughing. "Oh thank god, I don't really wanna hurt you" He whispered kissing my temple. "Aww that's so cute" I whispered back. Louis came out as Niall and I were starting to make out. "GET A ROOM" Louis obnoxiously yelled but started making out with Eleanor. "BLOODY HYPOCRITE" I yelled back. He ignored me and continued to animalistically make out with El. "Aro" I heard Chloe yell. "Chloe" I yelled back. We ran up to each other and hugged. "Are you okay" I asked smiling. "I guess but I took care of Harry for biting me and almost killing, but now I have to face the fact that I will never die" She laughed but sadly. "When do you have to get changed" Chloe asked. "I don't know but I think it's soon" I mumbled almost inaudibly. "CHLOE" I heard Maria and Perrie yelled. "Perrie why did you slap Zayn in the face" I asked while practically saying what the fuck. "He kissed me... But I kinda liked it but I don't wanna admit it" she said blushing madly. Maria looked like she was in 'Lala Land'. "Whatcha thinking about" Chloe asked Maria. "Liam" She stated. "Well that was straight up" I said surprised. "Anyway Perrie what happened before with Zayn and please say the full story" asked Maria. "So what happened was.."

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