One messed up night.

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"Yep, we just need to go back and get cleaned up" Liam stated. We ran back to our houses and got ready. I walked to my door and checked the time. Wow it's 6:45 already. Time must go fast when you like someone I thought to myself smiling. I sat on my couch and watched some t.v. "Boys and El, when you see me walk into Aro's house you guy's come over" I mindlinked them. "Okay" they replied in sync. I began to walk to Aro's house and knocked on the door. "Hey Harry" Aro answered. "Hey" I replied. "Come in, Chloe's been talking about you non-stop". "Really, has she now, what's she been saying about me" I asked smiling. Can't wait to hear about this now...



"Chloe keeps saying about how cute you are and all that stuff" Aro replied. "And"? I asked. "Well..." Aro began talking about how I'm really nice and not afraid to flirt with a girl. "Aww that's adorable" I cooed. "So what do you think about Chloe". "Well... Um..." I trailed off unable to finish my sentence because no word's could really sum up what I thought about her. "Hey Harry" a voice said from the hallway. Must be Chloe. "Hey Chlo" I smirked. "What are smirking 'bout Hazz" She said cheekily. "Nothing" I lied. I was smirking at how she didn't come from the door. I wonder why and then I began to think it was a girl thing. Chloe came out from the door frame and gave me a hug. For some reason she looked really sad. "What's wrong" I asked sincerely. "Nothing" Chloe said with a sad smile. "Don't lie to me I know your hiding something" I replied. "Its just.. My boyfriend- EX boyfriend... Broke up. With me" She said. I saw tears beginning to stream down her face. "Why would that douchebag do that, your amazing and that sounds really weird considering I've only seen you once" I said. "I don't know but he didn't even care that much and he's just one of those dumb decisions in life that you make. I just wish that someone could see that I'm more than just a person, I'm a girl and I need to be treated with respect as well as every other female in the world" Chloe said in a monotone. I gave her a hug and she hugged back. I gripped her closer so that I could smell her hair. We pulled away looking into each other's eyes and began leaning forward when... "KNOCK KNOCK". Bloody hell Niall. "I'll get it" Aro called out. Me and Chloe sat back awkwardly. "So do you wanna go outside" Chloe asked. I nodded and smiled and followed behind her. We sat down on the hammock and stared out at the pool and began to talk again.


I walked over to the door and opened it. "Hey Niall and who's your friends" I asked. "Hey Aro, this is Liam and Zayn" He said gesturing to a brown quiffed boy and a black quiffed boy. "I'm guessing that your Zayn" I said pointing to raven head, "And your Liam" I said pointing to Brunette boy. Haha I almost came up with superhero names. "Anyway come on in boy's" I said giving Niall a hug. Why on earth did I just hug him. Oh well he hugged back. I couldn't hep but get this warm fuzzy feeling in my chest. That sounded really cliché. So we began walking inside and sat on the couch. "Do you guy's want a drink" I asked. I heard a chorus of yep sure and why not. "So what do you want to drink, we have beer, vodka, fizzy, and water?" I trailed off. "I'll have beer please" Niall said. "We'll have some coke please" Zayn said for himself and Liam. "Okay sure" I replied. After I left the room and got the drink's, I heard them talking about something but it I heard one sentence that stood out. "Niall you need to do it". This is slightly alarming. What does he need to do? I mean it sounds pretty serious. I'll let it go for now. I walked back in the room. "Hey I'm back" I called. "Thanks Aro" they said in sync. "I better start cooking so you's can do whatever or come outside as well". "I'll help you carry the stuff" Niall offered. "Thanks Ni" I replied. We walked into the kitchen and grabbed the meat and all that out of the fridge. I heard another knock on the door and walked there. "Be back in a second" I said to Niall. I opened the door to see my friend's Maria and Perrie. "HEY GIRL'S I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN AGES" I yelled. "SUPRISE" They yelled laughing and smiling. We pulled in for a group hug. "You wanna meet some of my neighbours. "Yeah" said Maria. We walked into the living room. "This place is amazing" Perrie exclaimed. The two boy's on the couch were in a deep conversation until they heard a bang onto the floor. "IS THE GROUND OKAY" I yelled. "Yep, I'M fine" Maria said sarcastically and rolling her eyes at my immaturity. Liam got off the couch and helped her up. "You okay Maria" Liam asked looking down. "Yeah don't worry" She replied. "Liam this is Maria, Maria this is Liam" I said. They looked up and looked at each other for a second. "I swear I know you from somewhere" Maria said wearily. "Maybe" Liam said smiling. Aww this is adorable, I wonder what's going on in that mind of his. "Who's this guy" Perrie asked looking at Zayn. "This guy has a name, and it's Zayn" He said obnoxiously pointing to himself but smiling at the end. "And who's the lovely lady who called me 'This Guy'" Zayn added. "The lovely lady has a name to and it's Perrie" She said mocking Zayn. We all laughed at Perrie and Zayn's little sass-off. "IT'S LOUIS AND ELEANOR HERE, ANSWER THE DOOR YOU BLOODY POTATOE'S " Louis yelled the outside the door. "COMING" I yelled back. I opened the door to see Louis pretending to sleep on the ground with El. They rose up. "Took ya long enough" Louis remarked. "Well sooorry" I sarcastically apologised. "Let's go inside". "Okay" Eleanor replied. "Louis, Eleanor, meet Maria and Perrie" I said. "Heeey" Maria and Perrie yelled in sync. "Oh I forgot to tell you that Chloe and Harry are outside doing god know's what but I hope it's not what I'm thinking" I added. "CHLOE" Perrie called out.

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