Meeting Aro

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 I reached outside Aro's house and walked up to the door. I slowly knocked on the door as I mentally prepared myself. I heard footstep's coming toward's the door. I watched as the door opened. "Hey" She said. "Hey" I replied. "You must be another one of my neighbour's" Aro said sweetly. "Yep my names Niall". "I'm Aro" She replied. "Would you like to come in" Aro asked. "Yes please". I have a feeling that this is gonna go great...



I stepped inside quickly not wanting to waste anytime with her. "Would you like a drink or something, we have ice tea, fizzy, tea, coffee?" Asked Aro. "I'll have Ice tea please". She walked into the kitchen but I decided to follow her. "So how long have you been living here for". "I've been living here my entire life" I replied. "That sound's great" Aro commented, "I've alway's wanted to move here since I was little and now I'm here". "But why would you want to move here of all places" I asked confused. "It looked amazing and I'm part Irish so I wanted to find out more about it" She said while passing me my drink. "Thanks" I mumbled.


"And that's why I'm scared of flour" She said laughing. We were both in hysteric's and found out that we basically crack each other up. We slowly calmed down. "Anyway, I have to go now but here's my number... SO CALL ME MAYBE" I yelled. Aro started laughing again, "Your such an egg" She giggled. "Nice meeting you and see you around" I said turning around. "Bye" She called out. Well that went so much better than I expected so yay. I walked around to my house and began to think about me and her futures gonna be like if we end up getting married. Just be careful mate, you don't want to scare her off if you tell her about your secret soon. I know okay I replied. Just wait for her to text you and all that an then ask her on a date you potato. Don't call me a potato you turnip. Okay, okay just stop naming vegetables already boy anyway bye. Bloody consciences these day's. So annoying. Suddenly I heard a knock at my door. I peeked out my window and saw Louis. "Hey Lou" I said opening the door. "Ello" He replied. "I need to talk to you about something really important". "Hey your being serious for once oh my god" I said in fake shock. Louis gave me a death stare. "Okay, come on in".


Well Niall didn't see how serious I was being. Bloody hell. "It's about Aro" I started off. "Please don't tell me you like her because if you do I will kick you in the ball's so hard you won't be able to hve kid's" Niall growled. "Don't worry Niall, I really need to say something" I said reassuringly . Well he calmed down a bit there. "As I was saying-", "Did she say to you that she doesn't like me" He cut in. "NIALL I HAVEN'T EVEN MET HER PROPERLY SO LET ME FINISH AND JUST SHUT UP PLEASE" I yelled. "Okay" He mumbled. "It's just that... Aro". "Louis just spit it out boy" Niall said. "Aro's my twin sister" I said just loud enough for Niall to hear. "I'm sorry what" Niall whispered. I gained more confidence and said it louder, "Aro is my twin sister". "LOUIS WHY DID'NT YOU TELL ME THIS EARLIER YOU EGG!!!" Niall boomed. "BECAUSE IF I DID YOU'D OF PROBEBLY KILLED ME AND THE PLAN WOULD'NT HAVE GONE AS WELL" I lowered my voice near the end, "But... are you made at me". Niall looked at me and I saw a smile creep up on his face. "Of course not Lou, I'm glad you waited until after the plan I'm just hoping that Aro like's me, and I'm sorry for yelling at you" Said Niall. "I'm sorry too and apology accepted" I said hugging Niall. "Anyway I need to go and see Aro and meet her so bye Ni". "Bye Lou" He replied. I walked out the door glad to get that off my chest. I'm really surprised that Niall didn't go absolutely ape-shit at me, but I was thankful for it. Now that I've done that I need to go visit Aro and then later tell her about the whole twin thing. I walked up to her mailbox and then began walking down the path and eventually landed at her door. Gaining confidence I made the manly decision to knock on the door. Once I knocked I was panicing on the inside. OH SHIT THIS IS GONNA TURN UGLY IF I TELL HER AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. You'll be fine if she doesn't hate you, now just chill My conscience stated clearly. Chill oh yeah I'll just chill... SHE'S MY SISTER YOU DUMB CONSCIENCE WHAT IF SHE FUCKING HATES ME YOU DUMBASS. No need that kind of language laddie now get on with it. I stopped staring at the door to be faced by a wall of two blue dots and fuzzy brown stuff. Oh wait that's Aro haha just kidding. "Hello?" She asked me questionably. "Oh sorry Hi, I'm Louis" I said kinda awkwardly.

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