First battle

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  Pinefangs ears twitched, a show of anger and fear, the fear mostly for the apprentices that didn't know a single battle move.
  "Has DarkClan gone mad? What is your clan thinking starting a battle within another clans territory?" Pinefang hissed, quietly he muttered to the three sisters, "Go back to camp, get more cats, and warn Sparrowstar that DarkClan is-" Oakfire clawed his muzzle.
  "No one's going anywhere. These kits need some battle training." She snarled out the last  words with an evil glint in her eyes.
   Dawnpaw sniffed and twitched her tail, "We aren't kits, we're apprentices! And we are going to learn battle moves! We just- OW!" Blood welled on her shoulder as a DarkClan cat clawed it. She wailed, her black and ginger fur now dripping with blood.
   Snarls rang through the forest, echoing off the trees.
   "What kind of cat are you? Its their first day out!" Whitewater snarled leaping at the cat that clawed her brothers apprentice. They tussled on the ground, Pinefang leaped at Oakfire.
   "This is revenge for my apprentice, and my nose!" He growled, slamming his paw on her head, claws unsheathed. He then spun around, leaping on the DarkClan deputies back. She started trying to throw him off, but he clung on, sinking his teeth in the back of her neck.
Oh StarClan this is bad. Willowpaw's thoughts raced. "We need to get you back to camp right away! Blackpaw, let her lean on your shoulder, she can lean on me as well. Lets go, and be quiet." She whispered, trying to act less afraid than she was. Dawnpaw leaned on Blackpaw and blinked at her gratefully.
   "Willowpaw, just go ahead, I can handle Dawnpaw, our mentors need help now." Blackpaw mewed.
   "But you... what if they..." Willowpaw gulped, then sighed, her ears flat on her head. "You always were the strongest out of the three of us."
   Blackpaw smiled. "Just as you were the fastest. Get back to camp, our mentors need help before we can get there" She meowed, her voice grave. Her sisters started back toward camp. Willowpaw glanced back at their mentors, worried. Pinefang was still locked in combat with Oakfire, her mentor was battling off two she-cats, and Seedfire was tussling with a brown and black tom. 'That's weird... Both of them have their claws sheathed... Oh forget that, just go get help!' Willowpaw raced off, forgetting quickly. The wind streamed through her white striped pelt, the black stripes seeming to be flowing with the wind. Her legs carried her as though she could fly. It took longer than she would have liked, but she raced through the camp entrance, her mind on her sisters out in the woods.
   Willowpaw searched for words. "At the pond, DarkClan attacked, they need help!" She yowled.
   Morningmoon raced over to her kit and halted at her side. "Slow down. Now, what happened?"
   "DarkClan happened!" Willowpaw scrambled for words. "They ambushed us at the pond! They were-"
   "Starlingstripe, Windfur, Adderbreeze and Brightwing. Go to the pond and assist them, and do it quickly." Sparrowstar ordered, her voice almost a growl. "Where are your sisters?" Willowpaw began trembling. 'Why did I leave them out there!?' 

   "They're on their way back, Blackpaw told me to get help!" Morningmoon raced out of camp, making Willowpaw more worried. "I shouldn't have left them!" Willowpaw wailed. Sparrowstar padded over to her. 

   "They'll be fine. I'm going to go fight against DarkClan myself. I promise you they will both return safely." Her voice soft. Sparrowstar then flattened her ears, unsheathed her claws, and disappeared through the camp entrance. Willowpaw watched her go. 'I want to help... I left them, so I will find them!' Willowpaw glanced around. No one was watching, all the cats busy muttering worriedly about the cats by the pond. The camp entrance was right there, Willowpaw raced into the forest.

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