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Now, I think this is the right time for a new story. I've been wanting to do this for ages and I'm needing to take a break from my other book, Secondary Shipping. So I hope you enjoy, as this is going to be a long road ahead.

The rays of the burning star in the sky shone down on Pallet Town in the region of Kanto. The Pidgeys and Spearows squawked and sang as they flew through the oceanic blue sky's above. The chimneys emitted smoke as if they were smoking a cigarette. The farmers and their Tauros' ploughed the fields as the end of summer was coming to a close. Fresh bread wafted the clean air  as the local Pokemon started to search for food as the early evening horizon began to settle in.

A local teenager stood on top of the hill looking over the town as he scratched his loyal buddy's ear. The electric mouse squealed in delight as he nuzzled his trainer's cheek. The raven haired youth stretched out to his sides and smiled as he looked over his home town. "It's good to be back. Right Pikachu?"

"Pika." Was the response his Pokemon gave him. He walked down to his front door and knocked a couple of times, before entering. "Mum, I'm home!" His deep voice shouted as he set down his bag and removed his badge case from Unove, each individual one glistening in the light.

"Ash dear. You're back!" Delia ran in and swamped him in a massive bear hug. The brunette started to kiss him all over his face, until he pulled back from it.

"How did you do this time?" Another familiar voice ran through the rafters as a certain blue eyed girl entered the room.

"Only the quarters this time sis. I'm getting better though." Ash told her as he sat down.

"Ha, still not a champion like your twin then. Leaf Ketchum still leads the household as Kanto champion." Leaf spun around in joy as she celebrated. However, she did stop in the end and gave her brother a hug. "So, where are you off to next then? Maybe Kanto again so you can challenge me, or somewhere else?"

"Definitely somewhere else. You know I can't beat you, but I think it might be time to visit someone we haven't seen in time Leaf. I'll be back in a sec." Ash ran up to the room he swapped with his twin and drove through his drawers. He kept going until he ran out of places on where he could have had it.

"You looking for this, by any chance?" He turned around and saw his sister smirking a little while leaning against their doorframe. In her had was a picture that was very precious to him, and that was what he wanted to see. He snatched it from her and sat down on his bed. He turned it over and read the message she had written for him.

I give you this in memory of me and so that we know that we are still BFFs. If you ever want to come and see me, come to Vaniville Town, as that's where I now live. I would love to go on a journey with you, and hopefully it's the two of us. I will keep you in my heart forever, and we will meet someday again. I know it.

So bye for now,
Serena xx

"I know where I need to book my flight to." Ash grabbed his phone and went on the Kanto Airways website. With a simple tap, he had the price, which was way out of his budget. "You know what actually. I'm going to the professor's. I'm going to fly there with my Pokemon. Tell mum I won't be long!" He shouted to Leaf as he sprinted to the lab.

He rapidly smashed the knocker into the metal frame. "Professor Oak! Open please! It's Ash!" The door finally opened and he didn't have time to stop himself from doing his next knock in time.

"Oww. At least your knock isn't as hard as your sister's slap." He looked up and saw who he it. "It's good to see you again Ashy-Boy."

"Gary Oak. You saucing motherfucker. I hope you've been treating Leaf alright since I saw you in Sinnoh last time." Ash gave his rival, best friend and his sister's boyfriend a firm handshake.

"So, what are you here for then?" Gary asked as he let him in.

"So, I'm flying to Kalos later tonight, so I've come back to collect some friends to take with me." Ash said. "So Bulbasaur, Charizard, Gible, Totodile and Snorlax, let's go guys. Everyone but Charizard return now!"

The orange Fire and Flying type cannonballed from the sky and landed in front of his trainer. He turned around, and shot a Flamethrower at Ash's head. His trainer sat to the ground as he puffed out smoke from the barbecuing he received as a welcome from his compatriot. "It's good to see you again too buddy. Have you got enough energy for the flight we're about to take. I need to go home quick and then we are going to Kalos. I'm going to meet an old friend for the first time in almost 10 years, and I want to surprise her." With another nuzzle, he returned Charizard and jogged back home.

As he walked through the door, he saw his sister messaging someone and his mum at the hob, cooking a good meal for him before he left again.

"Mime. Mr Mime." Mimey walked into view, with a new set of clothes for Ash.

"Are these for me Mimey?" He nodded and passed them to Ash. Ash ran into the toilet quickly and got changed, before reentering the room in his new outfit, a blue sports top, black thermal shirt underneath, grey tracksuit bottoms and red and black basketball shoes.

"Soooo, when you leaving Ashy?" Leaf asked as she got a drink for herself and her brother.

"Tonight. Me and Charizard are leaving after dinner to get there by the morning." Ash told her as he took a taste of his mother's curry and fried rice. "It's going to be quicker as there will be no other Pokemon flying at the same time, so nothing is blocking our way. And I've got my team already too. So let's get eating."

They soon finished and headed outside. Ash let Charizard out once more and got ready to leave. He gave his mum a hug before turning to his sister and sharing a kiss, hug and a few words. "You keep your spot because if I win the Kalos League, we're having a battle for our spots. Also take care of Gary for everyone's sake."

"I would like that too. The same goes for you. You need to protect Serena, and don't you think I forgot about your little crush on her either. You better get with her, otherwise you're stupid for messing out on such a cute, sweet and beautiful girl, who's been your BFF for ages and is a keeper. I'll will personally ask myself if I get the chance too, so just do it."

"Ok, I will. No need to worry. Right, I'll call you guys when I get to Serena's, so bye for now. Let's go buddy!" And with that Ash, Pikachu and Charizard zoomed off through the pitch black Kantoese sky.

Hope you enjoyed, and liked the cover. It's my first try at one. Anyway, I'll update whenever I get ideas for this. So peace!!!

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