Chapter 4

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0530 HOURS

Serena finally finished her breakfast that consisted of a bowl of cereal and a croissant. She had already changed into a bright yellow cotton sports bra, showing off a bit of cleavage, along with a pair of running shoes and a pair of black jogging bottoms. She grabbed the glass of orange juice she had and took the final swig. The sun was already peeping over the horizon to see if the moon had run away to cover another part of the world, and began to come out of hiding to move to another hiding place. Its light shone a little weakly, and it soon got into full motion, and it's mood changed.

Ash was already downstairs stretching in the basement of the hotel. There was a gym down there and he was getting Serena ready to be able to move quickly for the mission that they had towards to end of the week. He had printed out the dossier from his handler James. James was very good with computers and was the highest rated hacker in TWOTAS. He and Ash had a very good friendship, which was vital for their work. He was waiting for Ash to call him later so that he had the chance to see Serena for the first time, and so did Duncan.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Ash turned around and saw Serena panting lightly against the doorframe, with her right forearm across her forehead wiping the sweat dribbling down it.

"Hey, don't worry about it." He smiled as he got up from the bench he was sitting on. "Let's get going." They both walked over to the short running track, where Ash stood to the side, and pulled a stopwatch out of his pocket.

"Now, when we have finished our business at the place we're infiltrating, we have to get to a BMW M7 that is just outside the entrance. You'll be the one driving us out. So once we trigger the alarm, we'll need to sprint, so this is to test your speed. So when I blow the whistle, go." Ash explained as he blew his whistle and Serena was already on her way. She was kinda lacking, so Ash had her run again.

They kept on repeating the exercise over and over until Ash was satisfied that she would be able to get out quick enough. He soon took her upstairs, where they went and got some lunch. Ash grabbed a steak with some potatoes and gravy, while Serena grabbed some chicken and rice.

"So, do you have the details yet?" She asked him as she sat opposite him at their table. Ash pulled up the dossier he had printed off earlier and passed it over to her. DO NOT GIVE TO ANY UNAUTHORISED PERSONAL, APART FROM AGENTS AK AND SY  it read on the front. She ripped the top off and had a look at it. It was a picture that  of the target location, which was an abandoned warehouse in the next city, Santalune City.

"So, what's the target then? There's nothing about it here." Serena said while being very confused on what was going on.

"We'll find that out tonight. James sent me only the picture, and this." Ash showed her a blueprint of the warehouse, which she looked at. "The crosses are where the things we have to retrieve are at. The diagonal lines are windows from which we could escape, and the arrow shows our entry point. James has already hacked the CCTV cameras around the compound, so we should have a better idea at what we are up against. All we need for right now is to get you another Pokemon, and then some clothes for it, but we'll get them in Santalune during the day. We also need to sort out weapons, and equipment, as I'm having Pikachu use his power to EMP it, so we will have the advantage of surprise."

"Ok, let's get on with this driving then. I'm raring to go!" Serena shouted as she stood up and bent over, which allowed Ash to see down her bra a little. He liked the look of her breasts but didn't comment at that moment, as it wasn't important.

They went outside and Ash pulled up in a Mini. He got out of the driver's door on the right and let Serena in. She adjusted the seat to where she could reach the pedals and see still. Ash continued on to explain how the clutch and gear change worked, but Serena focused out instead onto him.

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