Chapter 7

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"So, they're in here?" The girl asked, while the boy beside her nodded as he pulled down with the keycard to unlock the door, and their friend stood there in excitement.

"Yes, but I wouldn't go too loud. We were up till around 5 this morning, so they must still be shattered." He said as he opened up the VIP room. They moved in and rushed to the slightly ajar bedroom door, and gave it a slight peek. The girls awed and giggled, while the male was impressed.

"Yes Dawn, I called it. Hand me £5!" The brunette shouted as she burst through the door. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, it's confirmed that Ash Ketchum is finally getting laid! Bring all your mics and cameras as we have the evidence!" The sudden outburst woke up Ash instantly, while Serena slowly opened her eyes, while adjusting to the light level. She looked up and saw two old friends, and one other, a blunette who looked really pretty.

"Ash, what's going on?" She asked her boyfriend next to her.

"I think we have the arrival of a certain Kanto champion, the man who saved our lives a few hours ago and the first time in a long time of seeing one of my old best friends babe." Ash gently smiled as he stood up and got out of bed. "Leaf, Gary and Dawn."

"Yes, now you hand me £5 too Gary. I told you it would happen before I had the chance to do it for him." Leaf laughed, as Gary hung his head in defeat. As he took out the £5, Ash snatched out of his hand instead.

"Hey bro, that's totally uncool." He moaned.

"Gary, in all the time that I've known you, you wouldn't have bet on anything like this usually, so what's going on?" Ash asked as he went in for a bro hug.

"It's called that a certain Champ used her superiority to cheat her way of £10. Me and Dawn did not agree to this bet." Gary glared at Leaf, who was looking out of the window aimlessly.

"Is that so? If it is, you guys keep your money. I'm not letting this little minx get her own way." Ash deviously laughed as he used his height advantage to grab his twin from behind and try to restrain her from running, as she was about to run for the door.

"Ash, let go." Leaf snarled through gritted teeth.

"Nein. Ich würde meinen gut Fruenden helfen. Nicht meine Schwester." Ash spoke in a language that only he and Gary knew to speak properly. Gary started laughing as he looked on at his friend speaking German to his sister, who only understood Spanish fluently along with Dawn. Now with Serena, they would have someone to understand French and speak, and the other member of their little squad would understand both Serena and the boys.

"Ash, let fucking go of me right now, or otherwise, I'll tell the senior member of staff at the safe house that you two overslept for your debriefing. And you know Duncan doesn't want his top prodigy to be late, especially when we know your plans for this evening, and tomorrow." Leaf smiled as Ash let go.

"How the fuck do you know that me and Serena are going out on a date tonight, and that I'm battling the gym tomorrow morning as well?" Ash looked dumbfounded at everyone less apart from Serena, who had no clue.

"Shall we go and introduce ourselves to each other?" Serena looked to her left, and saw Dawn signalling for her to follow as they left Gary to sort out the argument between the twins.

"It wasn't my fault I had to change your backpack out, and placed a very good mic on it. I was instructed to." Leaf said calmly, as Ash looked on in disgust.

"By who?" He asked back.

"No one. I did it myself to see if you would fulfil your promise." Leaf winked and smirked, which blew Ash's fuse, and he lunged at her, only for Gary to stop him mid-flight.

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