Left On Read

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@ewlaurenjauregui: @laurenjauregui is 5H's worst singer, like can they just replace her already with someone prettier?

@ithinkloNO: honestly I'm just waiting for the day they kick that dyke @laurenjauregui out.

@OTPcaminah: I can not wait for Dinah to realize how much better Camila is than @laurenjauregui

@ihateyoulauren: do people really like Lauren? I'm being serious. Besides having the worst voice she also has a pretty shitty personality and let's not forget how ugly she is, she looks like a donkey😂

Tears steamed down my face as I looked at the tweets directed to me. I have no idea why everyone is hating on me but they are and it hurts. It hurts because I haven't done anything to them, so why do they hate me so much? Am I really that unlikable?

I wiped away my tears when I heard the bus door open. I looked up and saw Dinah standing there with a wide child like smile on her face "hey Lauren" she says as she tried to hug me but I pushed her away. She frowns "Lauren are you ok" she asked.

I nodded "yeah I'm fine" I mumbled, avoiding eye contact with the blonde.

Dinah frowns "you're lying" she notes "baby what's wrong? You know you can talk to me" she says softly.

I glared at her "Dinah can you fuck off! If I say I'm fine I'm fine! No leave me alone" I snapped. Her frown deepens "yeah of course. Uh I'll-I'll see you later" she mumbles as she stands up off of the couch and heads out of the door. I groaned as I threw my head back. Why must I fuck things up?

After thirty minutes of feeling guilty I decided to text Dinah.

Me: hey can you come back so that we can talk? I'd like to apologize in person.


Me: Dinah please I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you.


Me: I love you.


I frowned when I saw that she left me on read she didn't even text back an 'I love you too' like she always does. I think I really fucked up this time and I'm not sure if I can find it.


I spent the rest of the day and all night texting Dinah trying to get her to talk to me but she just left me on read. I'm starting to think this is her way of breaking up with me without telling me. I mean I don't blame her I did treat her pretty badly.

I walked in to the living area and saw Dinah sitting on the couch laughing with Camila. I sighed as I walked up to her "hey can I talk to you" I asked shyly.

Dinah looks at me for a second before turning back to Camila and continuing their previous conversation, completely ignoring my presence. I frowned as I walked back towards my bunk where my phone vibrated. I huffed as I checked it. I frowned when I saw the tweet.

@OTPcaminah: can Dinah dump @laurenjauregui and date Camila already they would make a better couple anyways, at least Mila's pretty.

I threw my phone to the other side of my bed and buried my head in my pillow. Why are people being like this? What did I do to deserve this?

After crying my eyes out for an hour and I and constantly getting tweets about how awful I am I decided to head out. I was going to tell Dinah but I'm pretty sure she doesn't care anymore.

I headed towards this small park that I saw and decided to hand out there just to get my mind off of things. I pulled my phone out and decided to text Dinah anyways just to let her know where I am, see if she cares still.

Me: hey I don't know if you've noticed but I've left. I'm at the park I'll be back later.


I sighed when I saw that she once again left me on read. No matter what I say I don't think I can fix what I have broken, not this time at least.

After sitting on a park bench for two hours I decided to go back since it was getting dark and I didn't want to stay out after dark so I'm heading back.

Walking onto the bus I saw Dinah staring at me. I contemplated saying something but decided against it and started making my way to the back.

"Lauren wait."

I turned around and saw the blonde looking at me "y-yes" I stuttered nervously. Dinah looks at me "are you-are you ok" she asked "I-I mean I heard you crying earlier and I just-I just wanted to know if you were ok" she says, stumbling on her words a little.

When she asked that I couldn't help but break down. I was far from ok. Dinah wasted no time in pulling me into her and holding me in her arms "no I-I'm no ok" I sobbed "I'm far from ok" I mumbled "I'm a fuck up! I fucked up the band. I fucked up our relationship and I'm pretty sure I fucked up other things that I'm not even aware of. I'm just a huge fuck up and I totally understand why you don't want to be with me anymore" I cried.

Dinah pulls away from me "Lauren I do want to be with you" she states "I-I just thought that you were mad at me, that's why I left you alone" she explains. I nod sadly "Dinah I'm not mad. I was-I was just having a bad day and I guess I took my anger out on you I'm sorry" I said. Dinah has a look of sympathy in her brown eyes "what happened?" My eyes welled up with tears as I showed her the tweets I've been receiving. I heard Dinah sigh "baby don't listen to them. What they say is not true" she states "you're a beautiful talented smart girl that I'm absolutely in love with. Don't let what they say get to you because it's not true" she tells me. I looked up at her "do you really mean that?" She nods "of course I do baby!" I smiled slightly as I hugged her tightly and got lost in the feeling of her arms around, right where I was supposed to be.

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