More Than An Experiment

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Lauren Jauregui was a nerd that got involved with Dinah, the school's bad ass. Everyone told Lauren that getting involved with Dinah was a bad idea but she didn't listen and got involved anyways.

That was her first mistake; getting involved with Dinah Jane.

At first it was just her experimenting and exploring her sexuality threw Dinah, but as things continued Lauren fell and she fell hard. Lauren was undoubtedly head over heels in love with Dinah.

And that was her second mistake; falling in love with Dinah Jane.

Lauren knew that falling in love with Dinah was a bad idea because the girl didn't do love and she didn't do relationship but that didn't stop Lauren from falling for her. Dinah was just so sweet and caring when ever they together and that kindness that Dinah did not show to anyone else just made Lauren love her more than she knows that she should.

Unknowingly giving her heart to that tatted up blonde wasn't hard but deep down she knew that her feelings would never be returned because Dinah wasn't one for relationships or love in general. It hurt to know that she would never have Dinah the way she wanted but eventually she would get over it. Hopefully.

Walking out of her last class Lauren hung her head low as she slowly made her way through the crowded hallways. Tucking her hair behind her ear she stood in front of her locker and quickly put in her combination. With a soft sigh she began putting away her things.

"Hey Ralph."

A chill ran up her spine when she heard the familiar voice. Closing her locker Lauren slowly turned around "get Dinah." She greets quietly. The blonde flashed one of her charming smiled as she placed her hands on Lauren's waist. "So I was wondering if maybe you'd like to hang out after school?" Dinah asked. Lauren sighed and gave her a smile smile "I'd love to." Dinah's smile widens and she gently locked her fingers with Lauren's and led them out of the school. "And we're off!"

Arriving back at Dinah's apartment Lauren already knew where this was going and all though it sucked at least she was getting to spend time with Dinah. Even if she did only want one thing from her.

Walking inside Lauren dropped her bag on the floor and quickly told her shirt off. "Lo what are you doing?" Dinah asked. Lauren turns towards the blonde "this is what you want right? All you want is sex so I'm giving you what you want." She said.

Dinah sighs as she shook her head "Lauren that's not why I brought you here. I brought you here for something else." She says. Lauren frowns because she knew exactly why Dinah brought her here and if she's being honest it hurts. It hurts because this will probably be her last time seeing the blonde haired beauty and she wasn't ready for that. She wasn't ready at all. "Then why am I here?" She asked, even though she already knew the answer.

"Follow me." Dinah instructed softly as she held her hand out for Lauren.

The green eyed girl hesitantly held on to Dinah's hand as the blonde beauty led her towards the pation. Stepping outside Lauren let out a surprised gasp when she saw the rose petal pathway that led to a candle lit dinner-well lunch in this case. "Dinah what is all of this?" She asked as she turned to face the blonde.

Dinah have her a shy smile "this is kind of my way of asking you to be my girlfriend Lauren." She spoke quietly.

Lauren was shocked by her words "but I uh I thought that you didn't do relationships." She said. Dinah ran her fingers through her hair "I uh I didn't but you, you changed that Lauren." She admits, "I know that we both agreed that we'd keep our feelings out of this whole experiment thing but I couldn't help it. The more I was around you the more I fell for you. And I fell hard Lo," she chuckled slightly "look I'm really new to this whole relationship thing but if you give me a chance I promise I will be the best girlfriend ever." She says, "you just have to give me a chance Lo."

Looking into Dinah's big brown eyes Lauren knew that she was telling the truth and without saying anything she connected their lips in a gently, yet passionate kiss. One that let them both know how she was really feeling and how much she actually loves Dinah. That one simple kiss let Dinah know everything that she needed to know.

Pulling away Lauren looked up at the tattooed girl and smiled "I'd love to be your girlfriend Dinah Jane." She answered lovingly. The small grin on Dinah's face grew into a wide smile and she pulled Lauren into her and spun her around. Lauren threw her head back and laughed at Dinah's action.

Dinah placed her on the ground and smiled down at her before giving her a soft kiss on the lips. Smiling into the kiss Lauren slowly kissed back. She really was more than an experiment to Dinah and that made her so happy to know that she was Dinah's first and only girlfriend. Everyone said that she shouldn't have gotten involved with Dinah but getting involved with Dinah was the best thing that she could have ever done because she found the love of her life and that more than worth getting involved with Dinah. She finally found her true love and she couldn't be happier.

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