Her Last Words

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For the past three months Lauren has been sitting in the hospital. Her wife Dinah has stage four cancer and the doctors didn't give her much time to live and Lauren wanted to spend as much time with Dinah as possible.

"Lauren you know that I love you." Dinah spoke softly.

Lauren gave her wife a small smile "I know sweetie." She said just as softly. Dinah sighed "can you promise me that you'll never let Layla forget me." She practically begged.

Lauren nods quickly "of course. You'll never be forgotten." She spoke honestly. Dinah smiles "good."


Lauren was laying next to Dinah, her arms tightly wrapped around the older girl, as she cuddled up with her wife and daughter. The past few days have been pretty hard for the small family. Things weren't looking too good for them right now.

"This might be a stupid question, but how are you feeling?" Lauren asked softly.

Dinah chuckles softly. "Your questions are never stupid my love. But I'm doing ok. I have you and Lay and that's all I need right now." She says.

Lauren couldn't hell but smile at her wife. "You always did have a wonderful way with words." She spoke softly, a lone tear running down her her face.

Dinah gently cupped her cheek as she wiped away Lauren's tear. "Baby don't cry." She whispered softly, "you're too beautiful to cry." She says. Lauren couldn't help the small laugh that escaped her mouth. "I love you so much Dinah." She whispered against Dinah's lips.

Dinah gently gave her wife a soft kiss. "I love you to Lauren. So much baby." She whispers. Pulling away from her wife Dinah laid back on the bed. A soft breath left her lips as the heart monitor flat lined.

Tears fell down Lauren's face as she held her wife's body close to her. The heart break that she was feeling right now knowing that her wife was gone, was probably the worst pain that she has ever felt in her life and right now she's not sure if she'll ever recover from this pain.


Six Months Later.
Lauren was sitting on the bed looking at old pictures of her and Dinah when they were younger and just looking at her late wife brought tears to her eyes. Even though it's been six months since Dinah passed Lauren still wasn't over it. She still deeply missed her wife, but she also knew that Dinah wouldn't want her to sit around crying over her. Dinah would want her to move on with her life and be happy, because if it was one thing that Lauren knew about her wife it was that her happiness mean the world to Dinah.

Standing up from her bed Lauren headed towards her daughter's room. "Hey baby, how are you doing?" She asked softly as she took her seat on Layla's bed.

The tan skinned green eyed girl looked up at her mother. "Mami what was mama like when you guys were younger?" She asked curiously. Lauren smiled as she placed Layla on her lap. "Well, your mama was definitely a free spirit and the social butterfly of our friends group," she chuckled "there wasn't a person that your mama wasn't friends with. She didn't care about their social status, just as long as they were nice she didn't mind being friends with them." She said.

Layla nods "does mama still love me?" She asked softly. Lauren nodded "of course she does baby. Of course she does." She says. "Is it ok if I keep this picture?" Lauren looked down and saw a picture of Dinah holding Layla as a baby. With a soft smile she kissed her daughter's forehead. "Of course Lay." A small grin made its way across Layla's face as she looked down at the picture and hugged it close to her.

Although things were hard for the small family right now Lauren knew that they would get passed this. No matter what happens Lauren knows that Dinah's looking down at them and she knows she proud.

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