Love Can Thaw A Cold Heart

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Dinah Jane was one of the coldest girls to ever step foot in L.A High. Everyone knew of her but nobody really knew her. Although many of the students theorized why Dinah was so cold towards everyone. She was born with a heart of ice. Her parents taught her hide away her emotions. Or Dinah's favorite; she had her heart broken one too many times that it turned her cold. Even though a lot of them were close Dinah would never let them know just why she was so cold towards everyone. Why she hid her emotions away in the darkest depths of her heart. It was nobody's business why she is the way she is. Being the new girl several times before Dinah thought she had it memorized just how things were going to go. And she really thought she did, well that was until Lauren Jauregui showed up. The happy glasses wearing adorable green eyed girl through Dinah completely through a loop. The girl was so nice that Dinah honestly couldn't be mean to hear even if she tried and she tried. She tried to get the girl to hate her but it didn't work. For some reason Lauren just didn't want to leave her alone and Dinah didn't understand why. She didn't get it.

"Why won't she just leave me alone?"

Weeks have passed and Lauren was stuck to her side like glue. Everywhere Dinah went Lauren was there! As badly as Dinah wanted to be annoyed with the brunette, she couldn't. For some reason Dinah just couldn't get herself to be mad at Lauren. There was something about her that forbids Dinah from getting mad at her. So she tried to befriended the girl. Now this was something that Dinah never does! She doesn't make friends but she wanted to be Lauren's friend. Why? Well she couldn't answer that right now. All she knew was that she wanted to be friends with Lauren and she was dead set on making that happen.

"I don't know why I'm doing this but I am."

Well she did it. Dinah became friends with the girl that was stuck to her side for weeks and oddly enough it felt right. Lauren was extremely sweet and that was something Dinah liked about. She was also very understanding and she needed that right now. She needed somebody to talk to that wasn't going to judge her and Lauren just so happened to be that person. As the weeks slowly turned into months Dinah slowly found herself falling for the green eyed girl. Now she was scared because the last time she fell for a friend she got her heart broken and she really didn't want to go through that pain again. So in a desperate attempt to save her heart Dinah pushed the girl away. She did what she was good at and pushed Lauren away, leaving the girl confused and hurt. As badly as it hurt her to push Lauren away Dinah just couldn't get her heart broken again. She took a huge risk bringing her walls down for their friendship. That alone was a huge step for her but she couldn't give Lauren her heart. She just couldn't.

"I just can't get hurt. One time was enough."

Seven months passed by without Dinah reaching out to Lauren and surprisingly enough that hurt more than the possibility of getting her heart broken. Sucking up her pride Dinah decided to go talk to her. She needed to tall Lauren just how she felt because at the point it was just eating her up inside to keep her feelings bottled up. Walking up to the girl Dinah did something she has never done. She gently cupped the girls cheeks and kissed her with everything she had. All the love, passion and heart was poured into that one kiss.

"Lauren I know that I spent seven months ignoring but I only did it because I was afraid of my feelings for you. I fell heart for you Lauren and it scared me because I didn't want to get my heart broken again. I thought that by ignoring you that I was preventing myself from getting hurt, but I was wrong. Ignoring you and hiding my feelings hurt me way worse than I originally had thought."

As confused and shocked as Lauren was she completely understood. She got where Dinah was coming from. She understood the girl's fears. Smiling at the blonde Lauren forgave her and agreed to take things slow with her. The happiest grin made it way on Dinah's face as she pulled Lauren in for another kiss. As nervous as Dinah is about falling in love she wouldn't have wanted it with anyone else but Lauren. That girl had her whole heart.

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