Epilouge & Explanation

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Leafa looked up. Her mother grinned ever so slightly at her frail body, but it was fake. It was only a screen. Leafa covered her face. Wires poked in her body sending in body fluids. She was in a cryogenic tube. It was full of strange liquid that she breathed in so easily. She felt cold. Her shirt, pants, and shoes had been removed only leaving her undergarments. Leafa would usually be embarrassed, but she was scared to know what was going on. Her head and tailbone felt heavier as well.

Leafa trailed her hands along her head. She had ears. She rubbed her hands on them. Bunny ears. She held back a scream. Her eyes trailed the room. No one was awake. Each one had a different animal feature. Cat, wolf, dogs, bears, and so many more. They were experiments. Leafa poked the glass. It seemed to be extremely fragile. She smashed through it with all her power. It sprinkled on the ground.

Leafa jumped out feeling more alive than ever. She screamed and screamed waking up the patients. Everyone panicked as she helped smash their containers. She was amazed how she, a 9 year old, could do this, but she did.

Two scientists dashed into the room. They shouted at them to stop with tasers and guns armed in their hands. The patients, not even reaching the limit of 15, disobeyed. The exit door was open as they jumped out. The new world was terrifying, but they ran. Some ran farther than others never to be seen again, but Leafa ran home. She ran to where she could cry.

The second she took foot in her town, three other girls followed her. Her mind raced with Spirita, her recent best friend from her past life, but for some reason she could remember everything. All the people forgetting her, but for once it hurt. The other girls looked at each other. Each one a different age. Leafa wondered if one of them was her Spirita.

No matter what happened, what happened in her past life happened. And Spirita will never forget her.


"Marshsano, what happened to the other two books you were supposed to make? Hm?"

Sorry! I'll give you a long and truthful excuse.

I was never happy with the books idea. I just didn't know it. When I ended Arise of the Gems I made a mistake. I'm not realizing that I messed up the whole plot until now.

Spirita was supposed to die in Arise of the Gems. This would've made everyone thirsty for revenge, especially Chris. They would kill Leafa and she would go to a world that me and my friends have so creatively created. We've had this other world for years and built up our characters. It just so happens that I used Leafa as a character and gave her bunny ears.

This explains why I almost never updated Arise of the Gems. It didn't give me the same pleasure as talking to my friends about these made up characters. They finally understood why I liked writing! I was done with Arise of the Gems, but once the ending came, I couldn't get enough. I didn't really want all those books, but seeing all the reads I got pushed me to make promises I didn't want to keep.

Shattered Crystal Hearts had a good plot going for it. In the beginning they were furious and they would find Moonstone, Peridot, and Claire. In the middle Spirita would wake up. After all that, in the end the spaceship would be built as the sunset goes down.

Onyx and Sapphira were to end up only being friends. Chris and Claire would be in love. Moonstone and Chris would settle as friends. Spirita and Chris would have a strong bond like no other. At the end Chris would look at Spirita and smile at her to say 'We're doing this all for one girl that we lost. I guess we're just a bunch of Shattered Crystal Hearts'. And Spirita would cry and smile. That's how it would end! I thought it was perfect, but it wasn't.

Each time I wrote Shattered Crystal Hearts I wanted it to be over. I wanted it to burn. I'm a people pleaser though, so I didn't want to disappoint. Instead I took month long breaks thinking that I'd like to write it afterwards. Fun fact: it didn't work. I lost all personality and compassion for the characters. I wanted Leafa to hurry up and die. I didn't notice that I could easily just write the words Leafa died and be done with it all.

I also couldn't finish this book the correct way and continue a series is because Steven Universe got too big for me. They've added so much more emotion to their show. I can't even catch up. It's too beautiful to be made into a fanfiction by me. Rebecca Sugar knows her characters like a mother knows her child. She can actually develop them. I didn't know my characters good enough, but now I do. Well, not all of them. I saved Leafa and dug more into her. That's why I needed to end it.

Leafa's been through a lot. I created her in 4th grade with a smooth and straight bun. She was a fairy, then I acted like she was my daughter, after that she was a crystal gem, and now she's a refugee in the zombie apocalypse.

"Zombie apocalypse? Really, Marshsano? That's so dumb,"

I don't care if it's dumb. This is a world that me and my friends have dived into headfirst. We've drawn them. We've developed relationships between them. We've created friends for them. We know which ones are going to die. We know how they all meet. We know who their parents are. Basically, we know them like family.

It all started with Leafa, Luna, Asari, and Sam (the four besties), but then it became more. We made a love interest. We made another emo love interest. We made a shy best friend. We made a food lover teen. We made a stupid and silly child. We made a girl and boy scientist that are basically Romeo and Juliet.

All this from a challenge that said,

"Draw a character with animal features,"

Look at that. I've already shifted topics by accident. I also fell out of the book because I felt sad. I had things going on in my life and I didn't feel good. They're still going on, but they're not as bad. It made me always come home and wish I hadn't moved. That I was with my friends again, but I couldn't. After missing months of updating, I didn't want to make excuses.

I hope you can all understand why I had to end it in the middle. It was unhealthy. I hated this book, and I don't want to hate it any more. I want to focus on non-fan fictions. I've written so many other books and don't post them because I force myself to finish this book. I never finish those other books either because I want to post them but can't. It discourages you.

I love you guys, and please try to give me a chance with non-fan-fiction books. BYEEE!

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