Chapter 10

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Spirita felt like she was floating. A floating body in the void. She was so young. Too young to die she always thought, but now she was in limbo. Her best friend had killed her. Occasionally, she would hear soft voices. She could hear Heaven and the Earth at once, and it scared her. She so badly wanted to talk to someone.

It was dark in limbo. Almost as dark as the hands in front of her. The only light was her beautiful white hair that for some reason lit up. It was scattered as well. Spirita never slept or ate anymore. She never really did anything. All she did was think about what had happened. Maybe she could've did something else? Most would think Spirita as Leafa obsessed. Maybe she was...

"Hey," a voice echoed through the empty space. Spirita spun in the air to try to find its owner. She spun and spun until she couldn't. A small laugh escaped her lips, and then she couldn't stop. Tears rushed down her face in a fast pace. She knew who that voice. Leafa was here. She was finally hear with her. Spirita rubbed her eyes and tried so hard to see Leafa. "Spirita, open your eyes," the voice ordered with a soft voice. It was so close. Spirita opened her eyes to Leafa standing in front of her.

She was marvelous. Her hair was flowing behind her with thick curls. A white dress with a laced rim was neatly dressed on her. A smile wider than the sun on her face. She was there. Spirita dashed and hugged Leafa. Once her fingers touched Spirita, she felt relieved. She felt new and perfect. All her problems went away.

"Spirita, I'm so sorry," Leafa cried. Spirita didn't expect that from her. Not yet at least. She expected to be in a home world spaceship getting ready to kill her best friend. That's when she'd say it and sacrifice herself and gems would never exist, but now that wasn't happening. She was glad for it. "Now that I'm dead, and I've killed the diamonds, Earth can finally be at peace," She whispered. It hit Spirita. Leafa was dead, just like her.

"Well, we can be together right?" Spirita croaked. Even she knew that could never happen. "No," Leafa said.

"Why," Spirita asked.

"Because I'm dead, and your in a coma," Leafa joked. "Besides, I have a curse. In only a few hours I'll be gone. Into the next world..."

"What?" Spirita didn't understand. She never would.

"I'll be snatched from this world's existence. Everyone will forget about me but you. It'll be less complicated than here. I'll be thrown into a new world with new parents and friends, and my memory will be wiped except for you," Leafa explained. Her eyes welled with tears. "Can you imagine how many Spirita's I've met? They may not've had the same names, but they were you. I've seen so many drop dead or kill me. So many to accept my friendship until we're old. Do you understand how hard it is for me?"

"No, but I hope we can meet in the next world," Spirita suggested. Leafa nodded and the corners of her lips tugged into a smile.

"Best friends always do," Leafa said as her body faded. She was finally done. Done in this world. "Tell Chris that I loved him. I loved him with all my heart. He was my everything. Tell him I'm sorry for leaving him. Make sure that he remembers me no matter what, ok? I hope he's happy with Claire," She said, her voice going bitter near the end. The limbo illuminated with light. Spirita was waking up. She felt giddy as her body took in air.

Sapphira screamed as Spirita shuffled. She was awake. Her scream brought in everyone. They crowded around Spirita. Claire whispered in Chris's ear. Probably asking who this girl was. Spirita opened her eyes and sat up. Tears started flowing out of her body. All the tears she imaginarily leaked in the limbo.

"Spirita? What's wrong?" Chris asked. She was his best friend. "We missed y-"

"Leafa said she loved you, she loved you so much Chris. She was pained to leave you. She said that she hopes your happy with someone you may actually love," Spirita blurted. Nobody answered. She was delusional. Leafa was in homeworld.

"That's impossible Spirita. Leafa is i-"

"Don't question me!" Spirita snapped. She stopped at stared at the ceiling. She broke out into fits of crying and curled herself in a ball. "Leafa is dead. She killed the diamonds. She wanted to tell me. You'll all forget," Spirita added. Chris shook with tears and Claire glared at Spirita. She already didn't like her if she was already causing trouble.

"Chris, don't trust her. She could be lying," Claire cooed. Chris shook his head. Spirita was right. He already was forgetting. What was Leafa's gem? (Even I don't know this one) Her smile? Her skin tone? Her hair? One by one they forgot. They forgot all about her, but Spirita watched. She watched their eyes dull as Leafa left them. She could make out Leafa's smile look at her through their eyes, and then it was all over. No one could tell why Spirita was crying. They didn't know why they were in a barn. They didn't know why Connie's house had an extra room full of a teenager's memories, but Spirita knew. She felt herself smiling.

Leafa was gone and the world was perfect again...

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