Chapter 8

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A loud bang sounded from across the wasteland. Another one followed with a crash soon after. An inhuman screech filled the air. Amethyst flung her whip at the disgusting creature. It screamed and cried. It was a gem. A controlled gem. It wasn't as powerful as Leafa, but it was one of them. Pearl summoned her spear and stabbed the gem. It poofed and Sapphire caught it. She bubbled it and sent it to the temple. Ruby watched and walked away. Everyone missed Garnet.

Sapphira pulled out her wand and shot at a pile of rubbish. They couldn't find what they wanted. A fire and water engine. It was really cool how it worked together without killing the other source. An abomination most called it, but it was amazing. Onyx calmed Sapphira's rage before she shot someone close. Claire watched Sapphira's weapon and copied it. She shot at Peridot and laughed as Peridot panicked around. In an instant Sapphira took Claire's weapon and stared.

"W-what?" She asked. Claire summoned the weapon once again. "I didn't mean any harm,"

"You could've killed someone!"

"I didn't mean to!" Claire whined shooting out something at Sapphira to warn her. Sapphira took that as a threat and transformed her wand into a sword. Claire felt fear gripping at her brain. Instinct took in and Claire summoned the same weapon and charged forward. Sapphira hit their swords together and she flung Claire's out of her hands. It hit the ground and cracked.

Claire summoned Chris's scythe and slammed it into Sapphira. Sapphira grunted and fell back. Claire held the scythe to Sapphira's throat.

"Well if you didn't mean to, why are you about to chop my head off?" Sapphira asked accusingly. Claire ignored the comment. Something kicked in inside Claire. She had to kill this girl. This girl was evil. That's what her instinct told her. Chris ran over to them and shouted at Claire to stop.

"What? What do you w-" She was cut off as Sapphira used her bending to charge water at Claire. It hit her right in the face. Sapphira used the water and brought the scythe to her. She broke it in half and put it at the shocked Claire's feet.

"I'm better then you sweetie. I don't know why you tried to pick a fight with me," Sapphira explained and walked off to find the engine. Onyx only looked at Claire and went to Sapphira to compliment her and talk about training her water bending. Chris looked at Claire for any injuries.

"You're fine. What were you thinking!?"

"I-I don't know Chris,"

"Just go up to the girl we have almost no info on and choose to fight her?"


"And then you shot at Peri!"

"I didn't know she would get hurt,"

"What else would happen! Then you use my copy my scythe? I had to watch it get broken! It may not be the real deal, but you still feel like crying when you see the same looking thing get destroyed!"

"I'm sorry,"

"You better be! Sapphira could've drowned you!"

Claire sniffed and started pouring down crying. She was shaking violently. Chris noticed his mistake and helped her up. "I thought I was going to die!" She shouted as he helped her.

"I-I'm sorry for yelling. You want to go hang out in a random house and chill?" Chris offered. Claire nodded and followed him. Peridot looked at Moonstone. She was practically on fire. Her eyes full of rage. She looked like she wanted to hurt Claire.

"I feel ya Moonstone,"

Ruby stomped off to another area. Sapphire followed in confusion. The leaves here were dead and long gone. Ruby obviously knew that Sapphire was following her. Sapphire accepted that. She couldn't see what happened next. Ruby spun on her foot and faced Sapphire. She held her hand out and smiled. Sapphire blushed.


"I know that you don't want us fusing, but can I at least know why?" Ruby sincerely asked. Her eyes were so sad, but her smile said otherwise. Sapphire turned to face away from Ruby. Ruby sighed and slowly lowered her hand. "I-I'm sorry Saphy..."

Sapphire jumped forward to Ruby. She intertwined their fingers and a small tear fell from her eye. Ruby was surprised and sold there shocked. Ruby wiped the hair from Sapphire's face and a beautiful eye stared back.

"Ruby I never said I didn't want to fuse.  I just had something to do," Sapphire said. A smile formed on her face and Ruby widened her mouth. "I was so worried. I thought something had happened to you when you stopped talking to everyone the whole week."

"S-Sapphire," Ruby started. Her eyes glowed in the night. The stars were above them as Ruby hugged Sapphire. "Anything that comes our way we solve together. Any problem you ever have I'll solve it," Ruby mumbled. Her confidence rising back up. Sapphire held back a laugh.

"That's so corny," Sapphire whispered. Around them the light had changed. A vibrant blue color formed around Sapphire and a red around Ruby. The ground came back to life as the two danced. They were laughing and dancing unaware of the change around them. A purple light brightened around the couple and they created one figure. It held a engine in it's hands as the red and blue soaked up into the engine. It gave off a purple glow as the gem smiled.

"Looks like we found the engine,"

YOU NEED TO WATCHH THIS VIDEO. OR AT LEAST LISTEN TO IT! THESE SINGERS ARE SO TALENTED. My favorite in the video was Peace and Love at 3:39 in the video. It's all calm at first, but then later it becomes amazing. If you don't watch the whole thing, at least watch that part. All of them are amazing though. Lost inspiration at the moment. Hopefully when I go on vacation I can get some. Bye!!!!

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