Run Granny Run

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Nothing. Hayley you're crying don't lie to me. I didn't Answer I just cried into his shoulder. Carefully he wrapped his arms around me and hold me .I didn't do anything. I just continued crying. Please tell me what happend Hayley it hurts seeing you like this. I need some fresh air I say with a dry throat. Hè nodded and walked outside with me still with one of his arms around me. How could they do that I taught by myself. Did Heaven and Autumn know of it? Did Justin really only used me to get to Ashley ? This were just a few examples from the taughts that are wondering inside my head.

Chase openend the door and a wave of fresh air hit me. I tried to steady my breath. My eyes were dry from all the crying. Chase arm slides of my waist , hè took my hand instead and turned me around so I looked at him. "Hayley please tell me what happend"." I Just walked in on seeing my boyfriend cheating on me". Hè clenched his jaw and fits. "And to make it worse hè cheated on me with my best friend". "That Douchebag" he yelled where is hè hè says angry." I need to hit him. "You don't cheat on a girl" hè says. "Says you" I say with gritted teeth." I never cheated on Ashley, she cheated on me, I only didn't know with who but now I know". "What ! Ashley told me you cheated". "That is the reason why you hate me" ?. "I don't hate you "I say. :I didn't know and I believed Ashley so easy .that it didn't occured to me to ask your part of the story". "my brother tried to tell me the truth about you and even him I didn't believe him". I'm sorry I say. :Don't be they will be". He stormed in the direction of the house again. Please don't I whisper. Hè stops in his tracks. "Hayley they hurt you:. "They aren't worth it" I say confident but on the inside my heart was shatterd. Can you please take me home Chase? Afcourse lets inform your brother that you're driving with me.

We walked inside to see my brother dancing with 2 girls I reconised as cheerleaders. Heaven was dancing with Alec. Thats a first. I walked over to her. Hey Hay she says but then she noticed my face. "Whats wrong". "I'm going home I will call you tomorrow" . She narrowed her eyes " I expect you to do that because other wise I will break into your house". I tried to crack a smile where is Autumn? "She left with Bailey she was really drunk she almost made out with your brother". I nodded disgusted of the taught from Autumn and my brother . I felt two hands on my shoulder they were my brothers. "Chase told me "hè says slurring his words." Do you want me to go with you" ? Its okey big bro Chase got it. Hè nodded "I will punch Justin when I see him". "You do that when you're sober go have some fun". I will be okey . Alec I shout at Alec keep a eye on him. Hè put his thumb up." Lets go "Chase says leading me out the crowd.

When we arrived at my house the lights were out and there wasn't a car. That means that my parents are working late again. "Thank you for the ride" . "Your welcome, are you sure you don't want me to come inside "?. Yes i'm sure see you at school. I got out of the car and walked inside.

After I closed the front door I ran upstairs and Let myself fall on the bed . The tears were streaming down my face again And I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up and saw the light peeking throw my curtains. I groaned and turned around in my bed. The events of last night came back to me. I felt the upcoming tears. But instead of letting them out I tried not to. I stood up and made my way to the shower. I don't know if it is just me but I love to shower it is so relaxing and a great place to help you think . I turned on the water and stept inside. Only by feeling the hot water and my body instandly relaxed. I taught about last night. I promised to call Heaven. But mabye she and Autumn also knew about Ashley and Justin. I will not know it if I don't ask I taught. And Chase was really sweet for me last night for the first time, I guess hè felt pity for me. But he did told me that Ashley cheated on him with a guy and that guy was probably Justin. They both were playing me for a long time. I never want to see them again and with that statement I stopped the shower an dried myself with the towel. I also wrapped one around my hair and made my way downstairs. There was a note on the table form my parents.

Hey kiddo's

Your father was called by his work to come imidiatly because some patiënt needed surgery as soon as possible and I left because Grandma once again run out of the nursing home.

We will be back later
Love you

Xx mom

I shook my head at the comment about my grandma. Let just say Grandma is a fast runner and it is hard to get to her because she used to be on the track team. Only my mother could slow her down to bring her back to the nursing home. I set some tea and baked some eggs. My brother came down. "Good morning sunshine" I say. "Geezz woman you don't need to shout". I stuck out my tongue." Mom is with Grandma again and dad is at work" I say. "Did granny escape again "?hè asks. I nodded. I placed the egg on my bread and began eating. "How are you" Cameron Suddenly asks.

"Well ...... I put on a fake smile and prentend that nothing happend, But from the inside I feel betrayed and it hurts". Cameron walked to me and hugged me. I let him hug me. Thanks Cam that was exactly what I needed I say. "And what are you going to do now "?hè asks. "I don't know but I know one thing for sure I never want to speak to Ashley or Justin ever again". "Well I never liked Justin, so does this mean I can punch him". "Go ahead but don't go all Gi Joe on him"." I would never "hè says while a smirk creept on his face. At that moment my Phone ringend.

I picked up "Hello its me" I say. "DON'T YOU DARE USING ADELE RIGHT NOW. YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU WOULD CALL THIS MORNING". "Heaven I can explain" I say. "GOOD BECAUSE I AM AT YOUR FRONT DOOR. I EVEN DRAGGED A HUNGOVER AUTUMN WITH ME". Stop shouting it hurts I hear Autumn say in the background. "I ALSO TRIED TO GET ASHLEY BUT SHE WASN'T HOME". I got a lump in my throat. she was definitely with justin." I will open the door" I say hanging up. "Was that Heaven" Cam asks. "Yep" I say popping the P. "Well I guess you know what to do now "hè says. " OPEN THIS FREAKING DOOR HAY" Heaven shouted from outside. Good luck sis Cam says before disapearing upstairs. I walked to the door and opend it.

"Okey tell us what happend last night why were you crying" Heaven demands when she was inside.: I will tell you guys". Go upstairs to my room I will get something to drink for us." I claim your bed" Autumn says Running upstairs.

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