My chicken nuggets!

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We were sitting at a table together in Mac Donalds. "Here is your food ladies "Alec , Chase and Cam said putting some food a t the table. "Well Thank you lords" Heaven says. Alec sat at the oppisite of her "everything for milady" hè says smirking. She blushed. "No comment for us "Cam says. "Oh i'm sorry give me my food" Autumn says. Not before you say please. "CAM GIVE ME  MY FOOD OTHER WISE I WILL CASTRATE YOU". "I would give it to her" I say. Heaven nodded she means it.  Cam looked scared and gave her her food. "Finally" she says atacking her food. Chase put my food down before me. "Thanks" I say. Your welcome sweetcheeks. I still couldn't get my mind of what hè did at the bowling rally. "Are you okey "hè asks. "Yeah why "i say quick. You zoned out. Oh did I ? Yes. I'm Just thinking about earlier. "Yeah the looks on their faces were hilarious "hè says. I nodded yes they were." CAM GIVE ME BACK MY CHICKEN NUGGETS" Autumn yells. I looked next to me to see all her nuggets on his plate . "Really bro" I ask. Hè just shrugged. Hè didn't expect Autumn to crawling over the table and sat on his Lap. Hè hold his breath.   She took her chicken nuggets . "These are mine" she said crawling back over the table to her seat. Cam was shocked at that moment Alec took a picture of him. Hè snapped out his trance and glared at Alec. "Delete the picture" hè says. "Sorry gotta run" Alec says getting up and Running outside with Cam behind him. Chase groaned" i'm friends with two 4 year old".  "Yes you are so go stop them" I say pushing of his chair. "We will be right back "hè says before Running after his friends.

"What is going on between you and Chase "Autumn says with a mouth full of nuggets. "Nothing" I say. "It doesn't look like nothing" Heaven cuts in. "Well I don't like him that way you guys think I like him, but I can't get it out of my head what happend earlier". You mean you guys making Ashley and Justin jealous?  ." No Aut I mean how hè hold me"." My skin felt hot under his palms" . Suddenly Alec plopped down next to Heaven. What were you girls talking about? "Nothing Alec" Heaven says . Autumn winked at me. "So Heaven tell me something about your self" hè asks.  What would you like to know ? Start by the start. Well when a woman and a man love eachother. Heaven that isn't what I mean. She chuckeld I know I was messing with you. Autumn and I exchanged looks. She is gonna get together with him Autumn mouthed at me . I nodded.  Chase and Cameron came back inside." That took you guys long "I say. "Well someone decided to throw his shoe at Alec and lost it" Chase says. Cameron smiled sheeply "but I have him back "Cam says ." Good" Autumn says taking his drink. "Hè thats mine" hè said." Sorry that was for my nuggets "she said taking a sip before putting it back and drink her own drink. At that moment Justin and Ashley walked in. No I groaned "how can they be every where we go" I say  banging my head on the table." Heeeey your gonna get a concussion" Chase says ." I don't care" I mumble. "But I do "Cameron says" so stop banging your head on the table young lady". What are you my mom ? No your big brother. You're only 10 minutes older than me! "They are coming over" Autumn whispers.

"Well well look who is here again, Are you guys stalking us" Ashley says." No we are enjoying our meal so can you please leave just by seeing you I lose my appetite "Autumn says. Well you should you are getting fat with all that eating. She gasped. "I suggest you leave" Cam says through gritted teeth. Heaven stands up. "Ashley you disgust us , I taught we where your friends, but you proved us wrong by first stealing  your friends boyfriend , then insulting us. You're a bitch now leave before I punch you". " I didn't know you had some fire in you Heaven, you were mostley the girl who said nothing and Let everyone use you" Ashley says . "I didn't". "Cameron already warned you go now before it gets ugly "Alec threatend . I looked at her she stared back. "Watch your back" she hissed. "Watch out for STD'S" I say smiling now leave us alone. She walked away. Justin still stood at our table. "What do you want" Chase says. "Talking to my Cookie "hè says ." Do not call me that" i say angry "I don't want to talk to you". "Very well then" hè said before hè walked away. I felt a huge weight of my shoulder falling when they left. "Autumn your not fat, you're beautiful and one of the skinniest girls I met "I say. "Thank you, you know  Ashley isn't right about us, about all of us" she said. "You're right" Heaven says. "I love you girls more than anything: I say. We love you to . "I feel left out" Alec says. We incluced him in our hug. "Guys can't breathe "hè said. "Sorry Alec "Autumn says. "Thank you for standing up for me" Heaven says smiling at him. "Afcourse Milady" hè says winking. She giggeld. "You know what we need to do" Cam says. "What Princess?" Autumn says. Lets go to a party tomorrow. Who's ? "Stacey Pool" Chase suggest. "Isn't that the rich girl in our class Who's daddy owns a lot of waterparks" ? Autumn asks  . "Yes Aut " Cameron says." Well its a Pool party so we need to dress in bikini's" Heaven says. " Yes I will wear the pink one from my sister "Cameron says. "I will pay you 50 bucks if you wear that to the party" Autumn says. Hè taught for a moment." Dude don't do it "Chase says. "Do it" Autumn says. "Deal "hè says shaking her hand. "But..... you can't drink any drup of alcohol tomorrow at the party if you do deal is off and I ge t to change in my swimshort". "Agreed" she said. "This should be fun" Alec says." You're lucky i just bought a New bikini "I say . "Is it strapless" Chase asks winking.  Cam slapped him . Auuuu dude why. "Don't compliment my sister" hè says . Heeeeeyyyyyy. "Why not she has a great body she should embrass it "hè says. Cameron slaps him again. Dude stop! "Only if you don't make these comments about my sister,  because its my sister you're talking about" hè says . But..... Cam raised his hand. Chase closed his mouth. "That what I taught "hè said. "You're mean Cam" I say. You love me anyways little sis. "Well we should get going guys "Heaven says "I promised my mother to be back by eleven". we are going . " It was really fun guys" I say. "See you tomorrow" Autumn says grabbing Cameron his drink again walking away. "What why" hè says. "Yours tast better" she Answerd. Heaven and I laughed and followed her outside to the Car.

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