Lets Shave her

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Song : here for you by Kygo and Ella Henderson
I took my seat in the class again and tried to Let my hair cover the red mark that was forming on my face. "Hey took you long enough" Autumn says. " yeah it was crowed" I say pulling my sleeve lower over the bruise.   But I got stopped. "Hay what is this " Heaven asks shoving up my sleeve. " Justin grabbed me and told me that he made a mistake choosing Ashley and that he want me to take him back" I say looking at them. "Did hè do that to your face too" Autumn asks gesturing to the red hand mark on my face. "No that was Ashley, she taught it was necersary to tell me I ruined her life ,while she did it all her self, God what happend to the sweet girl she once was " I say holding back tears.  They hugged me. "We will always be there for you Hay" Heaven says. "And I will kick their ass later" Autumn says. I laughed "I love you girls so much". "We know Hay we love you to". At that moment goes the Bell and we make our way over to our next lesson.

Right now we have lunch break and as usual the boys are waiting for us at our table. I walked to the food while the girls joined the guys at our table. I was lost I taughts about Ashley and Justin and that it mabye is all was my fault that I hadn't heard Chase talking to me."Sweetcheeks are you there" he asks waving his hand infront of my face. "Yeah" I say quick. " So are you up for some studing tonight" hè asks me. "Yeah sounds good, your place after school". "Sounds great would you also like to stay over for diner, nobody is home except for me". "That sounds great" I say smiling weakly. "Hayley are you sure that everything is okey " hè asks again. I signed "yes". "You can't fool me you know". " Who says i'm fooling you". "I Am" hè says putting cash on my plate. "Where is this money for" I ask. "See it as payment for turtoring me" hè says smiling before walking back to our table. I felt my heart doing backflips when I watched him walk back.

I was enjoying some Spagethi before someone shoved my sleeve up. "What is this" Chase says growling. I swallowed and looked at him. "That is none of your concern" I stated. "Hell yes it is you're my friend " hè says getting angry. I couldn't deny the pain I felt when hè said 'friend'. It isn't your concern 'friend' I bite back. "But it sure is mine little sis" Cam says "What happend". "nothing". "hayley you don't have to lie, you told us already" Autums says. I signed but told all of them the story again.

"I'm gonna kill them" Cameron says angry. " I vote for shaving Ashley her hair off and beating Justin" Alec suggest . "Why didn't you tell us sooner " Chase says making fists under the table. "Well I didn't want to talk about it and it happend this morning and I told you guys now ,so what is the problem". "That they are hurting you" Hè yells. "Keep your voice down and that with Justin was a accident ".  "But If they touch my little sister we are going to hurt them where it hurts them the most" Cam says. "By punching Ashley in the face and kick Justin in the nuts" Autumn says. "I'm in" Chase says high fiving Autumn. "But can I still shave Ashley" Alec asks. "No sweetie you aren't gonna shave her" Heaven says. "You guys are no fun" hè says pouting.
"Guys you're not doing anything, we aren't like them, let it rest eventually everything will work out" I say walking away.

It was now after school and they listen to my words and stopped planning revenge plans, But i'm still pretty sure, that Alec stole a scissor out the school for cutting Ashley her hair when hè has the chance. We arrived at home and thanked Alec for the ride before I walked after Chase to his house. "We are going to study" I call to my brother before hè can yells where are you going. We dropped our bag and made way to the living room. "Okey now tell me what really is going on sweetcheeks " Chase demands.

"i told you already". "I know but there is something else on your mind, what is it"? he asks. i turn my head away from his, but he placed his hand on my chin and made me look at him. "you can tell me sweetcheeks" he says almost whispering. i felt my breath hinch and my heart was beating faster. his hand let go of my chin and traveld down my arm to my hand. i felt eletric shocks everywhere he touched my arm, it felt like my skin was burning and when he took my hand in his i felt my stomach doing backflips from exciting. he linked his fingers with mine and looked in my eyes."you can trust me" he says. i was breathless , i felt like i could pass out any moment and i couldn't get any words out of my mouth. he smirked at me "did i make you speakless sweetcheeks"? i nodded at him, but then i quickly shoke my head and told him we need to study. he pulled me closer to him "you're gonna tell me anyways sweetcheeks" he says leting my hand go and walking to the kitchen. when i didn't fell his touch i felt my body scream for more. my knees were shaking. what is this boy doing to me i ask myself.

Hè put down two glasses lemonade for us at the table, and sat down besides me. "So where were we again" I mumble to myself. "By the heart" Chase says. I looked at him and nodded. " so What does the heart do"? "It pomps blood through our whole body" hè answerd. " And why does the heart that"? I ask him. So it went on for a while.

"I'm exhausted" Chase says. " yeah I think we worked enough for one day, Good job by the way" I compliment him. "Shall we order some pizza"? Hè asks me. "Sure I want the hot and spicy pizza" I say. "Spicy" hè questions  raising a eyebrow. "Yeah I like hot and spicy pizza". "Well you're the first girl who says that" hè says smirking. "if you want me really happy, than you need to buy me spagethi one time, I love spagethi" i say dreamy. " i will remember that for the next time sweetcheeks and mabye after that we can have some fun" hè says smirking before getting his cellphone out his pocket to order some pizza.

After a while we heard the door. "I got it" I say. "But when I openend the door I saw a really atractive guy from my age. "Here is your Pizza miss" hè says handig me the pizza "and here is my number" hè says writing down his number and name on the pizza box. I laughed and handed him the money. "Call me if you would like to hang out miss....." Hayley i say quick. "Nice name" the pizza guy says walking away. I looked down at the pizza box his name was Dean. I closed the door and walked back to Chase. "Pizza is here" I anounce. "Who is Dean and why is his number on the pizza box"? Hè asks me." Hè gave me his number and told me to call him if I would like to hang out". Chase grip tighted on his glass. "I will get us something more to drink" hè says with gritted teeth walking angry to the kitchen. I looked at my glass that was still full. "Thats weird" I say to myself.

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