Who is Amy ?

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Today it is tuesday. After school i'm going to turtor Chase. How bad can hè be right I taught by myself. This will be easy peasy. But now I still have a  history class. But I have this class with Ashley and Justin. Yesterday I could avoid them now it will be harder since both Heaven and Autumn aren't here. I sat at my table and took my books out . When I looked besides me. I saw Ashley sitting next to me. Uhm help i taught.  She turned to look at me . "Hay how dare you setting up our friends against me" she said hissing. "I didn't do anything I only told them what you did". "Hè didn't want you hè never did" she said. I tried to hold back my tears. "I don't care about him". But I do care about how you betrayed me. "Well I saw that you're Suddenly buddy's with you brothers friends. How much do they pay you? " Pay me ? Why should they pay me? "To sleep with them afcourse" she said . "You really think I would do that". "Yes thats why i'm asking: she said. sorry to disapoint you but I don't get paid and I don't want to get laid. "I see still a Virgin" she whisperd. "Yes  i'm safe for STD'S mabye you need to check if you have them" I say back with venom. She openend her mouth to say something. But someone cleared his throat." Excuse me but she saved that seat for me" hè says . Ashley stood up. :We will talk later" she said. "I really hope not" I say to her. She went to sit besides Justin. When she was gone I instandly relaxed. "Thank you so much dude" i say. "Afcourse "Alec says smiling. "I'm really glad we're friends now because I have finally someone to talk to with history "Alec says. I laughed. What ? we're friends aren't we? "Afcourse: I say smiling at him. "You know what mabye we could go out this weekend with the others :hè suggested. I was thinking bowling.  I nodded great idea boys against girls! "I was thinking more about 3 teams one boy and one girl". Trying to have a excuse to talk to Heaven ? "What" hè said turning red. "How do you know". "I didn't but now I do". You like her!" Sssst "hè says. Spill i say. "Well when I really  noticed her for the first time i was at your home she came downstairs to get something to drink before she went up to your room again there is something about  her that I find atractive , but didn't do anything . I tried to get her out of my head by making out with other girls but nothing worked. I think I like her" hè says. I clapped in my hands. "Thats amezing "I say. Hè chuckeld "can you mabye do a good word for me by her"?  "You got it "I say. And lets ask the others at lunch tomorrow about the bowling  . "Ms Seeker be quiet please" our teacher says.

I walked with Alec to his car were Chase and Cameron are waiting  . Alec stopped infront of our houses. "Bye guys" hè says before driving away. I walked after Chase." Where do you think you're going sis" Cameron says. "Turtoring Chase" I say innocent. "Use protection and close the curtains my Sweet Innocent Eyes don't need to see the things you're going to do: hè says. "Don't be a drama queen we're just studying dude "Chase says. "Yes so bye Cam" I say following Chase inside . "Where are your parents" I ask ? At the park with Amy. Who is Amy?  "My younger sister from 4 "hè says. Do you want anything to drink? "Yes please" I say. Hè chuckeld and made us some lemonade. "Thank you" I say. So what do you find difficult about Biology." Al lot "hè says. "Lets start with the chapter that we're disscusing in class the human body "I say.  Hè nodded.

After a hour we decide to take a break. "Do you begin to get it "I ask. "Its Strange but I think I do". Do I hear a Thank you ? Hè kept his mouth shut. "Chasey "I say pouting " don't I get a Thank you". Hè shoke his head. :That makes me really sad" i say. Suddenly  hè smirked at me before I knew what was happening hè tried to tickle me. But I didn't feel anything." Nooooo" hè screamed" you aren't ticklish". "I laughed at him thats right but I think you are" i say throwing myself at him. We fall on the floor me strandeling him. My heart was beating really fast. "You know i prefer to be on top" he says smirking.i blushed .

At that moment the door openend we both looked beside us to see His parents and little sister stare at us. "Well that isn't something you see everyday" his mother says. I rolled of him and stand up. I walked to his parents and introduced myself.  Hi my name is Hayley . I'm Jessica Greene and this is my husband Ted Greene.  Nice to meet you Mrs and Mr Greene. "Please call us Jessica and Ted: Mr Green says. "Would you like to join us for diner "Jessica asks." I would love to "I say smiling. "Son can I talk to you in the Kitchen :Ted says. :Sure I will be right back Hay" hè says.  I felt my heart skip a beat hè never called me Hay. I felt someone pulling at my sleve. I looked down. "Will you play with me" Amy asks. I would.love to.  She picked my hand and lead me upstairs. She showed my all her Barbies and we dressed them. "Diner is ready" Chase says in the door opening . "Yeeey :Amy says Running downstairs ." You know Amy actually is really shy around New people" hè says. I smiled "she isn't around me" I say. We walked downstairs and sat at the table. "I made Chicken: Jessica says. "It smells delicious: I say. Jess  Ted says. "What is it honey Jessica" says. Romy Is moving away so she can't babysit  Amy anymore. "So we need a New babysitter: Jessica says. I took a bite from my chicken I saw out of my corner Chase talking to Amy. "Can Hayley babysit me " Amy asks. "That is a good idea "Chase says winking at his little sister. She giggeld. "Hayley would you like that" Ted asks we pay  you ten dollar a hour. I would love to babysit that little angel. Did you hear that mommy she called me  angel.  I gave them my number and told them to call me when they needed a babysitter. I thanked them for the meal and promised I would come back sometime.

Chase walked with me to the door. "Thanks for turtoring me" hè says.  "Next week same time" I suggest. "Sounds good see you tomorrow" he says smirking . I walked to my house and openend the door. I switchen the light on to see Cam sitting at the kitchen table. "Sit "hè demands. Why ? I need to interrogate you!  Why? Did you do any funny stuff with one of my best friends. "No this is ridiculous "I say walking to my room. "It isn't "Cameron yells after me." Good night Cam" I yell back. Before shutting my bedroom door.

HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

I just wanted to say thank you for everyone who is reading my story and fanfictions.  You guys are the best 😘. Finally 2016 is over and 2017 started. 2016 was a awful year but I also have good memories like graduating high school, discovering Wattpad, trip to Londen . So lets hope for more wonderful memories  and a New great year !

2017 here we come!


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