chapter 14

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Italics are Romie

Normal writing : narrator     / writing with lines underneath : Adam    / bold writing : Rowan

It was saturday, while people were sleeping i was in school suffering, yes we studied on saturdays, go to a public school they said it will be fun they said, we had two hour of history and geography,history was interesting but soon as we move on to geography i was a goner but i had Adam to wake me up since he sat next to me, everytime i would fall asleep he would violently shake my shoulder even if i told him many times to be more gentle, i was grateful to have him,he's got my back and i got his.

It was a usual boring school day so i was expecting anything to happen, that till i heard screaming coming from the hallways, fact our school used to be jail, nobody paid attention to it at first cause it was a regular thing for us to hear this kind of commotion,but the screaming got louder, everybody got up from their seats, the teachers were trying hard to control their students but they couldn't, they were as curious as we were, the yelling got louder if possible,it was in english, we lived in Morocco,these kinds of things didn't happen at all, so who ever was screaming and yelling i probably knew them, i had a bad feeling in my stomach that wouldn't go away. Not five minutes later, every student ran to the hallways, i saw Adam sprinting to the noise's source so i followed him and i wasn't ready for what i saw, Rowan and Romie were the commotion, Rowan was yelling and pointing to something on her phone. Everybody's phone was vibrating suddenly, i grabbed mine, it was a text from an unknown number, i opened it, it was a picture of Romie and Rowan, kissing.

Silence, everyone was quiet, nobody dared to speak, some were shocked, others were speechless, it didn't last long till everybody started whispering

"You seriously thought i would fall for you, you freak" Rowan splured, half of the students didn't understand but those who did, you can see pity written all over their face.

With every word she yelled, i felt my heart dropping to the pit of my stomach





"Freak of nature"



I couldn't breath

"What made you think that we were actually thing, i hope i didn't catch your stupid disease"

Romie stormed off, ran towards the gates not looking back, i should've gone after her but i didn't, this wasn't a movie, i couldn't just skip class but goddamn i should've, i should've, i should've but " i should've" was going to change anything, it wasn't going to make everything better, nothing could have made this better.

Soon, everybody went back to class,they all had stories to tell now, drama to discuss and a life to destroy. i didn't think twice and went running towards Rowan and slapped her, i was slapping,kicking and yelling at her and she had done nothing to defend herself, i wasn't going to stop till Adam pulled me away but i wasn't giving, she hurt her and i was going to make her pay, i broke free from Adam's grip and took her by the hair and punched repedeatly,i don't how much or how hard i was punching her till i hear Adam say

"She isn't worth it" he yelled

I automatically let her go and got up

"Your a monster, a heartless poor excuse of a human being" i spat, she just grinned flashing me a bloody smile, i wanted nothing but to go back and beat her senseless but he was right, she wasn't worth it.

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