2: Fortune Shookies- First Kiss Who?

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Jimin Focus

"Get your foot outta my ass Kook!" Tae glared ineffectively, shuffling along the couch to move away from the dark haired kid with wandering feet.
Jimin watched as his two friends bickered back and forth-  not even looking like they were in an argument with the soft expressions and tender whining voices. The sophomore shook his head- his life would be so much easier if those two just got together already.

"Are they dating yet? I can't tell." Jin whispered to Jimin, taking a seat on his left on the blanket-covered floor.

"Unfortunately not, and it's giving me a headache. Before you guys got here, Joonie and I got strict instructions not to bring it up cause 'they're just friends'." The two rolled their eyes.

"It'll happen eventually. They've both been pining since Jungkook came into the group." Jin nodded.

"God I hope so." Jimin groaned, leaning his head on the eldest's shoulder just as Hoseok wandered in.

"What we talkin' about?" He bounced, squealing and falling into his boyfriend's lap. "Jimin and Yoongi ?"
A crack sounded from the dark haired sophomore's spine as he went rigid.


"But I heard pining-"

"No no no no no!" Jimin screeched, diving on top of the blonde and covering his mouth with a salty, small hand.
Underneath them, Jin croaked at the weight of the two boys, and pushed them off to walk into the kitchen.

"But Jimin, Yoongi! Would want to know-" Hoseok screamed out his sentence, putting extra emphasis on their hyung's name while they wrestled around. The guy had the audacity to laugh while Jimin was struggling to get his flustered body under control.

"Seok, shut up!" Jimin looked to Taehyung or Jungkook for help, but the two were still in their own little world; cooing to each other in ha he'd giggles while Jungkook player with Tae's dirty blonde hair.
Yoongi entered the room with a bowl of popcorn and an arched eyebrow, scooting in between the two quarreling boy's and breaking it up with a prying foot.

"Hope, scoot over." He snapped.

"What? But there's there's a spot right there?" The blonde frowned, lazily pointing on the other side of Jimin.

"Because I'm older and I said so." Yoongi and him kept eye contact for a beat before Hoseok broke out into a Cheshire's smirk- holding his hands up in surrender before shuffling over to Namjoon and Jin by the loveseat. Jimin watched the exchange with a weary look while
Yoongi stole a blanket from the couch behind them and tossed it over he and the younger.

"You're such a prick, why can't Hobi sit here?" Jimin murmured, looking down into his lap while fiddling with the strands of the old plaid blanket.
Yoongi's shifted, throwing his leg over Jimin's and leaning in a little bit.

"Cause I wanted to annoy you." He smirked that damn smug- attractive- smirk. His voice came out in a low purr that Jimin could feel against his right arm. It sent unpleasant goosies prickling the hairs along his skin and speckled peony dust along his cheekbones and nose.

This is so stupid. The sophomore thought, biting away a frustrated groan.

"Well it's working." He growled, shoving off the pale leg off his own. The ravenette looked up over to Taehyung and met his eyes. The tan boy gave a subtle thumbs up and a smirk that made Jimin scoff before reaching over to the coffee table to snatch a diet ginger ale.
Almost immediately, Yoongi took it away and cracked it open to take a sip- grabbing a flavored water and handing it to the younger as trade.

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