3: Its A Sickness You See

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Jimin Focus

That morning Jimin had woken up to a face full of Yoongi's collarbones and a headache. His throat was sore and he'd shaken the older lad awake with a squeaky chorus of sneezes.
Yoongi rested a heavy, lethargic palm against his forehead- alternating between hand and forearm.

"'Imin you've got a headache." He rumbled. The dark haired boy looked around, Taehyung fast asleep against Jungkook while Namjoon's voice could be heard along with Hoseok's while Jin started to make breakfast.

"Mh. I feel gross." The younger mumbled against his hyung's skin.

"You've probably got a cold." Yoongi acknowledged, pat the kid's bedhead down and posing to get up. He set the kid's head down on the carpet and bundled him up before disappearing into the kitchen.
Taehyung yawned above him, swinging over a heavy foot onto Jimin's side and jumping when he felt another person.

"Oh! Chim, I'm sorry!" His voice crackled, now carefully stepping around him. Jungkook whined with hands chasing out for the other and making grabby motions while mumbling for the other to stay. Taehyung giggles a low, morning giggle. "First day of school! Kookie are you excited to be a high schooler? Damn. I wish I had orientation again."

"I don't. I got one more year and I'm ghostin'." Yoongi sauntered into the room, setting down a hot mug of tea and a dry chocolate chip waffle with strawberry jam on top (just how Jimin liked it).
Jimin wrinkles his nose at it. "Sit up." The older directed, awkwardly stretching and forcing him into a sitting position with difficulty. The black haired boy had to applaud his efforts though- it was almost cute.

"Leave me alone. I dun wanna get up." Jimin whined, pushing the food away and laying back down on his side. Taehyung grabbed Jungkook in his half asleep state and dragged him into the kitchen where Jin had started piling up more and more waffles for the rest of them. Taehyung gave Jimin a meaningful look on his way before disappearing behind the door- sunshine leaking in and gracing his body with warmth for half a second.

"Jimin, c'mon. You're sick. Do I have to force you to eat? Cause I will." Taking a bite of the waffle the older lad chewed before leaning down and pressing their foreheads together. Jimin flailed around, kicking the other and sitting back up with spots dancing around his eyes.

"Gross! That's nasty hyung!" Yoongi laughed, chewing and swallowing before setting the tea mug in the younger's hands and breaking the waffle in half to handing the one without a bite taken out of it to Jimin.

"What? Me being a good hyung or me taking your first kiss by forcing you to eat?" He snorted.

"Both." Jimin deadpanned, ripping of a small piece of the waffle and begrudgingly shoving it in his mouth. Yoongi's posture deflated a bit before he elbowed the younger- not enough to hurt but hard enough to jostle him.
The senior sneezed, covering his mouth in a quiet wheeze before groaning. He shivered, pressing himself close to his dongsaeng and nibbling his breakfast in peace.

Stupid hyung is also sick. Jimin sighed, circling the blanket around them both just like the older had last night.

The group of friends all got dressed and left for school, heading towards the bus stop. Since the local University was close by (just a few blocks) away from their high school, there were tons of college students already waiting for the A bus to arrive.

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