4: Strange Change In Tempo

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Jimin Focus

"Jimin!" Jungkook shouted from their usual spot in the cafeteria, waving him over like he was fixing to land a plane. "How're you feeling?" He asked, scooting over so he could sit between the youngest and Yoongi.
Jimin eyes the older boy; his forehead was pressed to the table while his shoulders covered his headphone-concealed ears. His leg tapped against the underside of their table anxiously, bumping it every now and then.

"M'fine." Jimin nodded. "Ji-hyun was on the phone with Eonjin all night so I didn't sleep much."

"And apparently eaten either." Jin said with a trademark look disapproval. He and Hoseok took their seats and Jungkook shoved them over to save a spot for Tae.

"I skipped breakfast- no big deal." Jimin shrugged, accidentally knocking knees with Yoongi and drawing him out of his little universe.

"Jimin." He started. The others went off into mindless chatter about classes and the upcoming clubs or shows they were looking forward to. Namjoon slipped to the table next to Jungkook and started lecturing about the importance of the ever present 'Multiverse Theory' he'd just read about.

As if he'd been waiting for the others to fade into their own distractions, Jimin watched as Yoongi pulled out a square baggy and set it out on the table, spilling the two triangle shaped contents onto a napkin and sliding it between the both of them.

"Hey," He whispered, warm puffs of air on Jimin's ear. "Hyung isn't too hungry. Share with me."
As soon as the little sophomore saw his face- Jimin new it wasn't an offer, but an order.

"I'm not real-"

"Minie." He cooed, picking up a triangle and tapping it against the younger's sealed lips. "Did I hear you say you skipped breakfast?"

"Oof- no printer just facts." Jungkook piped in. Jimin glared at the both of them, taking a small bite out of the sand which before deciding he was perfectly capable of holding it himself.

"I hate you."

"Likewise, babe." Yoongi smirked, eating from his own sandwich.

"Hey? Where's Tae?" Jungkook asked. Jimin could see his nose twitching in discomfort not knowing where his friend was.

"I think I saw him and Minho talking in the hall. They seemed... busy." Jin winced. Hoseok slapped his side while gauging their youngest's reaction. Jungkook's tongue poked into the side of his cheek with a brisk nod.

Jimin rested his hand on the kid's knee and squeezed to relay his sympathy. Yoongi coughed besides him, leg pressing into his own while nomming down another bite.

Weird. Jimin shook his head.

"I'm sure it's nothing Kookie." He wrapped an arm around the boy and cooed. Hoseok joined in along with Jin in the showering of affection; unrelenting until Jungkook finally cracked a bunny toothed smile.

Jimin couldn't understand how Tae could be so blind. Sure the three of them had been best friends since forever, but it was obvious that the two youngest of their little gang were closer than normal.

The sophomore could only hope that his best friend wizened up soon. For Jungkook's sake.

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