5: Plotting Pretend

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Jimin Focus

Tea mugs in hand and filled to the point of spilling, the two boys day cross crossed as the fire downstairs dropped warmth up into the room. Jungkook had been pacing a hole into his carpet, tea leaving unnoticeable stains in his chocolate colored carpet. The smell of camomile did linger however.

The kid had his phone in hand scrolling through media and updating it constantly to archive what their tanned playboy friend was up to. Jimin, too, was a little anxious. Jungkook never showed it, but he held a lot of turmoil in his life- freshman year, having to make top scores, and now the guy he liked since forever was off making to most of his sophomore social life.

"Alright. Well, my ideas lie to donuts right now." Jimin grimaced, staring at his computer with a note book in hand and mug in the other.

"Jimin! I came over so we could plot- not watch Jo Jo's Bizarre reruns." Jungkook whined, lying upside down on his elder's bed. They'd been sitting for almost three hours in complete silence. The sound of JoJo cracking jokes while fighting Santana on his laptop the only background to their undirected thinking.

"Maybe you could just buckle down and fucking tell him you big baby." The older huffed, setting his cup down and spinning around to pause the episode.

"There's no way he'd even believe me. He's so dense I could stick a spoon in him and it'd get stuck- the guy's fuckin' molasses." Jungkook groaned.

"Kinky." Jimin laughed. "But c'mon. He's not that bad."

"You're right. Yoongi-hyung is way worse." Jungkook sweatdropped, kicking his foot out to poke the older boy's thigh. Jimin bat him away, feeling hot and decided the house was too warm to be wearing so many layers. He shed his school jacket and rolled up his sleeves while pushing the younger off the bed. Not the Jungkook noticed- deep in his thoughts while he crippled to the hardwood floor.

"Hey- what about those slice of life shojos you read?" Jimin perked up. "What do the male protagonists do in this when they're crush is being challenged."
Jungkook blushed all the way down to his toes while lying crooked on the floor.

"I don't read those!" The younger squeaked. "... but I dunno. Maybe make themselves more attractive?"

"Not much we can do there." Jimin sighed.


"I mean that in the best possible sense, Kookie. You're a solid ten and I'd definitely bang if you weren't like a second JiHyun." He plopped himself down on the floor next to the younger and ran his hands through his hair.
A sniffle was heard before a sob erupted from the freshman's throat.

"Jimin I don't know what to do. He hasn't talked to me or texted me in forever. The only time things seemed normal was at the sleep over." He whimpered.

"It's okay." Jimin shushed him, tracing patterns into his neck. He hated seeing his friends like this. He was there for Hobi when he thought Jin was cheating with Joon. There for Jin in the middle of a mental break down before the SATs. There for Joon when he came out as ace.
And there for Tae before freshman year when he worried about getting left out. Now he was here for Jungkook.

"I wish I knew how to help, Kookie." Jimin sighed, taking the younger into his arms.

"Hyung!" Jungkook suddenly sat up. "I just got an idea!"

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