Chapter 24: Here we go, one last time.

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           The song is "Meant To Be" because I felt that it was appropriate to end on*

   *Jorgina's POV*

                As graduation ends and we all throw our caps in the air I stop. What does this mean. I had been used to going to a temporary place for about 8 hours, continuing the study for a couple hours, and going on my merry way. I'd been used to doing this for 11 months straight. But, now the cycle is over. I'm an adult now. Why? I know that one day I'm going back into those classrooms one day, but it's going to be different. Ever since I was a little girl in pre-school when I had to leave everyone because we left the state for a while. I had a different position on change. At that time I envived any teacher because of their position. Now that I'm older, I'm not sure if I feel the same. I spent majority of my school life looking up to other people because of their age, I now know that people are people, and being a kid is fun and temporary but growing up is hard and permanent until you die. I'm going to hate leaving for college, why does everything end? I'm just happy I have my friends to look to, especially Jadzia.  At least they'll never change.

                            *Ella's POV*

                Reflecting back on my school life a smile peers on my face. Ever since I was in the 6th grade, I had feelings for the same gender. At that time I imagined a future without being free. A place where I was forced to participate a certain way. I couldn't bear living in that society. So, I promised myself that at graduation before the ceremony I tell my family the truth, and possibly be banished forever. Yeah, honestly I wasn't expecting my family to be so accepting. I felt that they'd banish me from the family forever. Now, I'm not so scared for the future. At least I have best friends who care about me, and family that loves me for me. I'm just happy that there's someone in my life to love. That there is happiness. That there is a reason to love me for me and to live. High school wasn't as scary as I though it would be. In the 8th grade, I was so afraid of it, but now I know that you don't have to be afraid of anything. I can't wait until I become a paralegal where I can feel truly at peace.

              *Jadzia's POV*

                  As I look around I feel happiness. I can finally fulfill my dreams of being a performing  artist. Not just any, but the Jadzia Celesia kind. In the words from an episode of Spongebob "You've tried the rest, now prepare for the best" See, not many people know this but I'm a phenomenal singer (even though performing in front of people I know literally kills me) and I'm good at acting too. So, I figured that looking for a performing arts career isn't too bad for me. In fact, it's perfect. Speaking of perfect, everything in my life is perfect. Jorgina and I got to know each other more, and we realized we have more in common that we originally thought. Just because we're best friends... in fact we're more than that, we're bestest friends, doesn't mean that I'm not cool with the other girls. Luckily, my life is perfect to my standards, I'm happy, I'm going to college, and my family is something I've always been grateful for. The only thing that I'm planning on doing is look for my father. After Nayeli's dad left, I realized that I too, want to look for my dad and find out more about myself.

            *Nayeli's POV*

                High school. The words feel like poison on my tongue. A few years ago, we were all jumping for joy for Aaliyiah finishing, but my dad took that as a reason to go and leave. Why? Why didn't he just waste our time? Was he even my real dad? I know I sound crazy, but him and I share absolutely no characteristics. Not even similar finger tips. Whenever I get enough money, I'm going to test and find out exactly who the man is. I heard Jadzia is too, so maybe we can go together one day. If there's anything that I learned, it's that friendship is important. Had it not been for my friends, and I probably would've gotten in trouble doing something stupid. If something ever happens to me (and God forbid it does) , I want people to know that friendship is very important to me. That love fuels a person. If someone's depressed they probably need some more self-love or other people need to love them more. I have to thank every person that I've encountered for helping me through everything.

        All in all, they enjoyed high school. But what about afterwards. That's for the next book (not sure what, probably "The Day After" and I have some plans to end that one. So I have to thank everyone that's helped in the making of the story, with the voting, ideas, characters, constructive criticism and YOU. Yes, thanks for reading and everything you've done. Love you all, have a great day people. :) :) :)


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