Misery Loves Company

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The next morning I walk downstairs to view a truly horrific sight. 

"Mom!" I yell  but it doesn't stop the blood from spilling out of her body and creating a deep red stain on her favorite purple shirt.

"Mom what happened?" I ask knowing that she can't talk anyway.

Then I look up to see the devil himself.  David.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yell at him.

I yank my phone out of my pocket and dial 911.

I look for David to find him playing Call of Duty.

I run towards and begin to try to punch and kick him. Even though I know my attacks are futile, I still need to get out my anger. David doesn't know me that well. He doesn't know me that well at all because if he did or if he was even human he wouldn't have done this.

He grabs my wrists and tries to look me in the eye but I refuse to look at him.

"I don't know you," I say as tears fall from my eyes. I can't control my sobs and for some reason I let him hold me.

The ambulance finally came and took my mom away. I rode with them to the hospital unable to look at my bleeding, dying mother. I've already watched someone I love die. I don't want to feel responsible again.

The doctor tells me that she will need surgery and that she was lucky that no major arteries were damaged. The words go in one ear and out the other. My mother could have died today and I let my ex-boyfriend hold me as I cried. Why would she try to kill herself? Why was David so calm? 

I knew that my mom had a history with depression which was mostly childhood trauma but got more serious as she got older. After my parents were married for 3 years my father died from liver cancer. After losing her husband died everyone thought that she would lose it but my mom held on strong. After Max died she was my rock. She was my anchor. 

Now I have to be strong for her. Now my mom needs me.

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