Fluffy smut part 2

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(Victors pov)
"Yuri do you even know where our room is". I can guarantee he doesnt.
"Well he said it was this way so i guess its that one right at the end". Wow he suprises me even off the ice, I guess i need to return the favor.
"Ok race ya to the end".
"Ok but im gonna win you know be prepared".

30 seconds later

"I warned you yuri , i never lose." Well i guess we better get inside im trying to hold myself back.

(Yuris pov)

Damn how did he run that fast. I had no chance. Wow this room is pretty nice.
"Hey victor do you reckon the bed is as comfy as -"

(Victors pov)

I couldnt do it anymore i need to show him how much he suprises me .


Listen guys sorry about this episode being kind of boring im just making more suspense for you. If you have any ideas leave a suggestion for a next chapter or even a new anime fluffy smut

Once again sorry

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