Sock on the door

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Ok here we go im gonna follow on from the last part from yesterday

As victor rubbed yuri's member he noticed it get harder and harder. This gave victor a sense of satisfaction. He pushed it gently with 2 fingers.
"Victor". The only word yuri could say before victor had kneeled down on the bed beside him. Victor looked at yuri's face and then straight back at his member. He lowered his head towards yuri's member. He slowly placed his lips on it and began doing a slit bobbing motion . Yuris face grew even redder as victor pleasured him. After 2 minutes victor decidedit was time for him to show yuri how he really feels. He pushes his head down hard and swallows. After this he continues bobbing. " gonna".
"Go ahead yuri , show me".

Ok thats it for sex scene number 1 . Theres more to come in future chapters.

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