End of the line

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The last chapter of the 2 year long fanfic
Make sure to leave your love and support in the comments
6 months later
(Yuri's POV)
Yuri comes to consciousness after hearing an announcement followed by a swift tap on the shoulder by his fiancé .
"Ugh...I.Is it time already?"Yuri exclaims with a sour expression on his face .
"Already?You've been asleep for nearly 3 hours"Replies an oddly chirpy victor.
"Really?! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"
"You looked so cute and peaceful that I couldn't dare wake you" . Yuri blushes and throws out a small flustered frown. The plane starts to descend (oh yeah they're on a plane by the way) and the seatbelt sign above them flickers on. Both Yuri and victor buckle up their seatbelts and prepare to arrive in England .

40 Minutes later
So this is London? It's not as nice as it says in the brochure but any place other than japan sounds nice to me right now. I want to do some sight seeing but I know I'm on this tight schedule with victor so it's best that I just do what he says for now and worry about tourism after the competition. Still though I can't help but shake this feeling that there's more to this city than meets the eye. I look over to victor and see him smiling over at me . Damn it I was doing it again wasn't I
(Victors POV)

Hehe Yuri's such a little bean sprout , even days before the competition his eyes are filled with curiosity and wonder. I wonder how long it's gonna take him to crack under the pressure of these competitions though. It's takes a toll and if anyone is aware of that it's me.

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