Chapter 1

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Rachel's pov

I can't believe them I knew they hated me but even Noah my own brother. How could they? I can't believe this is happening.


???: Hey dwarf (throws slushy in her face)


Rachel:(crying) really Noah

Puck: come on that was funny

End of flashback

I slowly looked to my left, I saw a knife, picked it up tears pouring down face and slid it across my arm I watched as the blood trickled down my arm I smiled to myself then cleaned up and went to bed.

Next day at WMHS

I walk into school and am greeted by a slushy everyone sees and laughs. I run to the bathroom in tears.

???: Rachel are you ok?

Rachel: I'm fine Santana

Santana: I saw what Finn and Puck did

Rachel: I'm fine thanks

Santana: no problem now off to glee.

Santana is the Best I couldn't ask for a better friend.

Santana's POV

As soon as we entered everyone looked our way but what made me go off of was when Quinn whispered something to Sugar and they both laughed

Santana: shut up Fabray

Quinn: why? We all hate her so do you. You just won't admit it

Rachel: is that true Santana?

Quinn: of course it is

Rachel's pov

I couldn't stand to hear this I ran out the door and out to my car but I was stopped half way there

Puck: where are you going loser

Rachel: leave me alone Noah

Puck: whatever ( slushies her)

Afterward I drove home crying when I pulled up I took a deep a breath and prepared myself for what I'm about do.

Rachel: mom dad can we talk

(Rachel's mom-rm Rachel's dad-rd)

Rm:s. Sure but why are you home so early

Rachel: I couldn't handle it anymore

Rd: handle what

Rachel: the bullying its to much

Rm: oh well what do you want to talk about

Rachel: I want to move in with Aunt Tanya.

Rm: are you sure

Rachel: yes please

They just looked at each other before finally speaking

Rd: if this is really what you want

Rachel: it is

Rm: I'll call her go start packing

Rachel: thanks I love you both

Rd: we love you too

The next day a WMHS

Santana's pov

Rachel: San, we need to talk

Santana: what why

Rachel: I'm moving today's my last day

Santana: why

Rachel: I can't handle the bullying anymore

Santana: I understand but where to

Rachel: Washington

Santana: oh I'll miss you

Rachel: I'll miss you too San

Santana: promise me something

Rachel: what

Santana: that we'll always be best friends that we'll keep contact

Rachel: of course Santana

Santana: so is Puck going too

Rachel: no just me

Santana: who are you going to live with

Rachel: my aunt Tanya

Santana: oh..... Well its time for glee

Rachel: let's go

Rachel's POV

We walk into the choir room and go to our usual seats in the back no one noticed us and I hope I stays that way.

(Mr. Schue-ms)

Ms: this weeks assignment is hello

Mercedes: um Mr. Schue didn't we already do that

Ms: yes but some of you didn't complete the assignment

Sam: I think its cool

Ms: what do you think Rachel

Rachel: (smile) its great

Bell rings

Ms: have your assignment done by Friday

They all nod and leave

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