Chapter 4

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Mr. Schue: Santana no phones in class
Santana: its Rachel i thought that would be an exception
Mr. Schue: what did she say
Santana: nothing imporant just catching up
Puck: what did she say Santana
Santana: fine all she said was she was a cheerleader now i told you it was nothing
in Washington
coach: okay girls we have a new member and she is also the new captain
???: but that was my spot
Melissa: well now its Rachel's spot
Miley: Rachel is the the new captain
Rachel: yeah
???: thats so not fair
Miley: deal with it
coach: start the routine girls (walks away)
Rachel: okay so I was thinking we could do this (does series of flips and tricks)
Melissa: i love it
Miley: me too
after practice
Melissa: hey Rachel wanna come over
Rachel: yeah id love to
Melissa: ill get you after glee
Rachel: wait there is a glee club here
Miley: yeah we are both in it
Rachel: i wanna join
Melissa: really
Rachel: yeah i was in glee at my old school
Miley: what were you called
Rachel: the new directions
Melissa: no way we are competing against them at nationals
Rachel: (smiles) lets go dont wanna be late
in glee
Miley: hey ms. rose rachel wants to join
ms. rose: can you sing
Rachel: yes
ms. rose: lets hear it
rachel:(sings defying gravity)
ms. rose: your in that was amazing
rachel: thank you

In Lima 2 weeks later
Mr. Schue: are we all ready
Santana: yes now lets go i have to see my Rach
Kurt: i need my Diva
Puck: i do miss my little sis
Mr. Schue: lets go then
in Washington
Miley: prom is tomorrow
Melissa: i cant wait
Rachel: me either
Miley: of course your a sure win for prom queen
???: can i talk to Rachel alone
???: so Rachel i was wondering....
Rachel: wondering about what Luke
Luke: would you go to prom with me
Rachel: id love to
Luke: (smiles) well ill see you around then
Rachel: yeah
with the new directions
Santana: this place is amazing
Kurt: i love it
???: can i help you guys
Mr. Schue: i made a reservation for the new directions
???: your here for Rachel
Kurt: yeah do you know her
???: yeah she is a good friend of mine I'm Miley by the way
Santana: you know her where is she
Miley: she should be here any minute
just then Rachel and Melissa pull up in a black 2017 mustang

Rachel: hey Miley
Miley: hey Rae
Santana: Rach! i missed you so much
Rachel: i missed you too but what are you guys doing here
Finn: to see you and for nationals
Rachel: oh why me?
Brittany: we missed you Rachie
Rachel: I missed you guys too
Puck: then come home
Rachel: i cant
Puck: why not
Rachel: because i have friends here i have glee here i have the cheer squad here i just cant leave Noah
Puck: yes you can
Rachel: no i cantlater at Rachel's house

Rachel's POV
Miley: im so happy tomorrow is prom
Rachel: me too i cant wait
Melissa: so we all got a date
Miley: not Rachel
Rachel: actually Miley im going with Luke
Miley: wow
Rachel: i know but I really like him
Melissa: yeah lets get ready for bed
they put on their pajamas
Melissa: i love your pjs guys
Rachel: i love yours too
Miley: prom is tomorrow guys
Melissa: im so excited
Rachel: same here
Miley: of course your going with Luke
Rachel: lets just go to sleep okay

The next day at cheer practice

Rachel: okay nationals are in a week and we still haven't perfected our routine but before we start we are all running 10 laps around the track
after the run and 5 minutes into the routine
Santana: hey Rae
Rachel: Hey San
Santana: can we talk
Rachel: maybe later i'm in the middle of practice
Santana: yeah okay
Rachel: ill text you
Santana: okay bye
the day goes on with no exciting events
in glee
Mrs. Rose: okay nationals are this weekend are we all ready
glee: yeah
Mrs. Rose: Rachel are you positive you can do this
Rachel: positive
the bell rings
at Rachel's locker
Miley: come on hurry we have to go get ready
Melissa: yeah hurry
Rachel: okay lets go
they get to Rachel's house and talk for a while until its time to get ready.
Rachel: im so nervous
Miley: Luke will love your dress relax
Rachel: what if i don't win I'd die of humiliation
Melissa: Rachel relax you'll win
Rachel: thanks
Miley: now lets get ready
Rachel: (smiles) Okay
they all go to get dressed and come out in their dresses.  Rachel was wearing a  strapless, pink, long, dress with sparkles around the waist. Melissa was wearing a dress similar but blue with sparkles at the top. Miley was wearing a deep green dress, it was long and had one strap, the whole upper part had sparkles.

At the prom
Lucas: Rachel I really like you
Rachel: I like you too
Lucas: will you be my girlfriend
Rachel: (smiles) yes
Lucas:(kisses her)
Rachel:(kisses back)
Miley: PDA
Melissa: (laughs) im so happy you two are finally together
Rachel:(smiles) yeah me too
Principle: Attention students would the prom queen and prom king nominees come on stage
after they are all on the stage
Principle: This years prom king is Luke Nelson
The crowd cheers as Luke goes to get his crown
Rachel's POV
I really hope i win. i would be so humiliated.
Principle: And this years prom queen is ....... Rachel Puckerman

I was so happy as i went to receive my crown i saw the New Directions looking right at me then the next thing i know its just me and Luke dancing.
Luke: I love you Rachel
Rachel: I love you too
Back at the hotel with the new directions
Puck: i cant believe it my little sister prom queen
Santanna: I am so proud
Kurt: I cant believe we barely even got to talk to her and we leave tomorrow
Quinn: I know as much as i hate to admit it i really miss her
???: well if it's your last night here lets have some fun
Santanna: Rae! Im so happy to see you
Rachel: me too
Brittany: who was that really cute guy you were with
Rachel: oh that was Luke my boyfriend
Puck: i missed you sis
Rachel: i missed you too now lets go
Finn: when did you become fun
Rachel: oh shut up.                                                                                                                                                              they  walked outside and saw 3 cars

Rachel: some of you will have to go with Miley and Melissa is that okay                                                   Artie: yeah rae but where are we going
Rachel: its a surprise
When they get there
Finn: who's house is this
Rachel: my boyfriend's
Artie: why are we here
Rachel: its a party
Puck: since when do you go to party's
Melissa: since she became head cheerleader
Santana: your head cheerleader
Miley: and the female lead in glee
Santana: I'm impressed
Puck: you amaze me little sis
Luke: something we both agree on
Puck: who are you
Luke: Rachel's boyfriend
Santana: nice catch rae
Luke: (laughs) I'll be back rae
Rachel: okay
Puck: you know you should come back to Lima

Rachel: I don't belong there Noah
Artie: yes you do
Finn: please come back we miss you
Rachel: I can't
Puck: why not
Rachel: because I have friends here Noah
Santana: you have friends in Lima
Rachel: I meant true friends
Puck: we have to go bye Rachel
Later that night
Rachel's POV
Rachel: hey Melissa have you seen Luke
Melissa: I saw him upstairs a few minutes ago
Rachel: thanks
I walked upstairs looking for Luke I looked every where but I didn't find him
I decided to look in his room, when I saw I darted out I ran to my car just as I was about to open the door my arm was grabbed I didn't have to look to see who it was
Rachel: (holding back tears) what
Luke: I'm so sorry rachel it just happen
Rachel: how could you
Luke: I'm sorry please forgive me
Rachel: you were kissing another girl
Luke: I didn't mean it I love you
Rachel: (crying) goodbye Luke
Then I left when I got home I went straight to packing. I was going back to Lima
In the morning
Tanya: are you sure this is what you want
Rachel: yes I'd rather be slushied every day than see Luke ever again
Tanya: okay then let's go
At the airport
Tanya: tell your parents and Noah I said hi
Rachel: I will aunt Tanya
Then I boarded the plane
I was drawing in my book I didn't really realize till afterward I had drawn Luke's face I think that maybe even after what he did I still love him. After a while I fell asleep, I woke up when the pilot came on and told is we were landing. I was so excited nobody knew I was coming home not even my parents or Noah. I stepped out of the airport and smiled as I looked around. Its good to be back.

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